Ambiguity in Maftun Amini’s Poetry
Subject Areas : Persian Language & LiteratureAlireza Tayogh 1 , Najibeh Honarvar 2 * , Farhad Falahatkhah 3
1 - PhD Candidate, Persian Language and Literature Department, Khoy Branch, Islamic Azad University, Khoy, Iran
2 - Assistant Professor, Persian Language and Literature Department, Khoy Branch, Islamic Azad University, Khoy, Iran.
3 - Assistant Professor, Persian Language and Literature Department, Khoy Branch, Islamic Azad University, Khoy, Iran.
Keywords: ambiguity, contemporary Persian poetry, Maftun Amini, images of fantasy,
Abstract :
Art needs beauty and to believe that poetry is one of the types of art, it needs beauty. There are many elements and factors of the beauty of poetry, and every poet in every era tries to decorate his poems with these elements. The main topic of this research is the study of the science of expression in the poetry of Maftun Amini, which was carried out using a descriptive-analytical method based on library sources. In this article, the beautiful images of Maftun's poetry have been explained by addressing the components of ambiguity, irony, recognition, metaphor, paradox, and simile. By using all the tricks of imaginative elements and with a new attitude, he freed his poetry from the repetitive images of traditional poetry and succeeded in creating original and creative images by using innovative crafts. In the "Anarestan" and "Hidden Season" collections, the poet's language moves towards poetic ambiguity, vagueness, and brevity. Maftun uses poetic images and stereotypes to personalize the language of his poetry to wrap his poems in an aura of ambiguity and make the audience's mind struggle to understand it. In this way, by making the reader participate in the work, a special place is given to him to find a different meaning in the poetry.
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