A Research on Social Incompatibility in the Poems of Naz Al-Malaika and Abdul Wahab Al-Bayati
Subject Areas : Persian Language & Literature
Hamid Dadfar
Hedieh Jahani
1 - Department of Law, Damghan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Damghan, Iran
2 - Ph.D. Graduated, Department of Arabic Language and Literature, Razi University, Kermanshah, Iran.
Keywords: Contemporary Arabic poetry. Social disharmony, "Nazok Al-Malaika", "Abd al-Wahhab Bayati",
Abstract :
:چکیده A survey of the poems of Naz Al-Malaika and Abdul Wahab Al-Bayati (Sample case study of social incompatibility) Abstract One of the clear and obvious manifestations of new poetry in contemporary Iraq is the phenomenon of social disharmony, this phenomenon emerged in the 20th century with the emergence of Iraqi pioneers such as (Nazak Al-Malaika and Abdul Wahab Al-Bayati, etc.), imitation of the traditional structure, familiarity With the romantic school and the political and social situations of the Iraqi society, these poets became incompatible. They have displayed this literary effect in three ways: literary, political and social inconsistency in their poetry. Their incompatibility in appearance led to the appearance of "Prose Poem" and in the sense of poetry, it caused the awakening and awareness of the Iraqi people and the promotion of the social vision of different social classes. These poets have endured a lot of suffering in creating innovation, such as prison, exile, displacement and alienation, so fear, loneliness, sadness cast a shadow on most of their poems. These poets have been able to express realistic themes and concepts in the form of inconsistency and they are a new spirit in the body of modern poetry. Due to the unfavorable political situation, they used myth and code and repetition style in their poems and were able to transform new poetry so that it can respond to an important part of the concerns of the modern world. Key words: Contemporary Arabic poetry. Social disharmony, "Nazak Al-Malaika", "Abd al-Wahhab Bayati".
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