The Analysis and Comparison of the Details of the Prominent Khorasani Poets with Arab Poets
Subject Areas : Persian Language & LiteratureHossein Ali Sarhadi 1 , Masoud Akbarizadeh 2 * , Mostafa Salari 3
1 - Ph.D. Candidate, Persian Language and Literature, Zahedan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Zahedan, Iran.
2 - Assistant Professor, Persian Language and Literature, Zahedan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Zahedan, Iran.
3 - Assistant Professor, Persian Language and Literature, Zahedan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Zahedan, Iran.
Keywords: Khorasani style, Amir Moezzi, Manouchehri, Farrokhi, Nasser Khosrow, Atlal and Daman, Seven Pendants,
Abstract :
Seven Pendants (Moallaghat -e Sab’eh) is one of the great cultural treasures of mankind and one of the honors of the history of Arabic literature and literature. Iran has been influenced by Arabic language, literature and culture due to its proximity to Arab lands. Although this effect is reciprocal and profound; But undoubtedly the influence of Arabic literature on the poets of the early periods of Persian literature has been deeper and greater. One of the main objectives of this research is to analyze and compare the poems related to the description of Atlalal and Deman in Seven Pendants with the poems of four of the most prominent poets of Khorasani style; That is, Ansari is Manouchehri Damghani, Amir Moezi and Naser Khosrow. In this research, the author intends to study, analyze and describe the duration and duration in the commentaries of Mo’laghat -e Sab’eh and prominent poets of Khorasani style in a descriptive-analytical manner and as a library tool. The vast majority of scholars who have written about the influence of Persian poetry on Arabic poetry in the category of description of Atlal and Daman agree that Iranian poets have followed the poetry of Arab poets and well-known Arab poets. They have used the background as a model for their work. The results of the research indicate that Persian poets, like Arab poets, have not been able to convey the feeling of sadness and separation of the lover from seeing the audience to the audience and have failed in this way and in this type of literature, their poetry has resulted in nothing but rhetoric.
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