Analysis of the Concept of Nihilism and Narcissism in Malek ol-Sho'Ara's Poetry of Bahar
Subject Areas :
Persian Language & Literature
Ayat Shokati
1 - Assistant Professor, Persian Language and Literature, Khoy Branch, Islamic Azad University, Khoy, Iran.
Received: 2020-11-30
Accepted : 2021-01-31
Published : 2021-04-21
Mohammad Taghi Bahar,
Abstract :
Narcissism has been known in all periods and in the literature of all nations, especially in the twentieth century, when the author's inner "I" forms the main part of the literary process. Narcissism or narcissism is not a sign of self-centeredness; Rather, it refers to the self-motivated state of mind and perception of a human being in which a person targets love instead of another. There are few poets in the poetry collection who have not shown pride and self-praise and various manifestations of this art. The present article tried to show examples of such a feeling in the poems of Malek al-Shoarai in a descriptive-analytical manner, after examining and analyzing the words narcissism and narcissism. The present study has led us to the fact that, despite the eleven different merits, it has made Bahar proud; But those boastings did not take away his humility and made him a humble, proud poet who, despite acknowledging his own arts and the emergence of my transcendent self, can find his own self and praise the arts of others.
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