Contemporary Ghazal (Sonnet), Lyrical Genre and the Role of Romantic Ghazal; Content Analysis and Current Study
Subject Areas : Persian Language & LiteratureYahya Talebian 1 * , Ali Mohammad Mahmoodi 2
1 - Professor of Persian Language and Literature, Allameh Tabatabai University, Tehran, Iran
2 - Assistant Professor of Persian Language and Literature, Salman Farsi University of Kazerun, Kazerun, Iran
Keywords: Literary Genre, Contemporary Ghazal, history of literature, Genre Change,
Abstract :
The subject of literary genres and Persian poetry is one of the important debates that has not yet been properly represented or scientifically examined and analyzed. Lyrical literature is the most widely used type or genre in Persian poetry. In the twentieth century and following the profound changes in the foundations of contemporary Persian poetry, lyrical poetry appeared in another form called the school of Romanticism. Then, with the loss of old lyrical genres, it has acquired new aspects and structural and content types. Therefore, this qualitative research has reviewed and examined the definitions of lyrical literature and its evolution with a descriptive-analytical method. In another section, the course and extension of lyrical literature in the form of the all-encompassing and "extended" school of Romanticism has been studied and represented. Also, the way Iranian and Western critics and experts perceive this type of literature and its changes have been analyzed in this research. Moreover, due to the change in the view of this type of literature and the elimination of its classical types (satire, riddle, conundrum, habsieh -prison letter, praise, etc.) in contemporary poetry, it is worth researching the connection between the emotional mind of contemporary poetry and romanticism with this type of literature. It is good to know what a new look Romanticism has given to lyrical poetry and what dominant and repetitive developments has created in this type of literature. On the other hand, since Persian ghazal has been considered as a full-fledged mirror of the type of lyrical literature, by studying the lyrical mentality of the new lyric poetry, new and different components should be found in contemporary lyric poetry.
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