The Analysis of Mystical Look at Pain and Suffering in Selected Mystical Texts of Fifth, Sixth and seventh Centuries
Subject Areas : Persian Language & LiteratureAhamad Amirikhorasani 1 * , Fatemeh Nikpanah 2 *
1 - Professor of Persian Language and Literature, Shahid Bahonar of Kerman University, Kerman, Iran
2 - Ph.D. Candidate of Persian Language and Literature, Shahid Bahonar of Kerman University, Kerman, Iran
Keywords: mysticism, Persian literature, suffering, pain,
Abstract :
Among mysticism and literature, suffering is one of the most important feelings and emotions in the human psychic realm. In general, suffering is one of the most influential aspects of human being. This particular category has been one of the seven main concepts and issues of man throughout history in various forms and with all the internal concepts and its connection with similar concepts, it has been and will be one of the serious concerns of human beings at any time and place. Therefore, this descriptive-analytical study has examined pain and suffering from the perspective of literature and mysticism and its types in the 5th, 6th and 7th centuries, and its purpose is to find out the type of mystics view of this fundamental category of human beings. The conclusion is that suffering does not mean physical and material pain, but spiritual pain, and this pain is one of the foundations of perfection in the thinking human being, and the experience of the human race and every human being during his lifetime proves that human life it has always and everywhere been accompanied by pain and suffering but the spiritual pain makes man and causes the perfection of his soul and knowledge that this is a mystical and spiritual pain is not only painful but also enjoyable. Suffering first causes the desire to move in man and then informs man and finally creates spiritual perfection in him, which is the evolution of suffering.
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