Analysis of the Story of "Varaqe and Golshah" based on Archetypal Criticism
Subject Areas : Persian Language & Literature
peyman niknami
pooran yusefipoor kermani
fatemeh ghafuri mahdi abad
1 - PhD student in Persian Language and Literature, Islamic Azad University, Anar Branch kerman iran
2 - Assistant Professor of department of Persian Language and Literature, Anar branch, Islamic Azad University, Kerman, Iran
3 - Assistant Professor of department of Persian Language and Literature, Anar branch, Islamic Azad University, Kerman, Iran
Keywords: Archetype, Anima, shadow, wise man, Varaqe and Golshah,
Abstract :
AbstractArchetypes are one of the most important topics in Jung's psychology.Because archetypes act like the bone of literature romance poetry is one of the areas that can serve as the backdrop for the emergence of archetypes. Because the literature of every nation has its roots in the culture and beliefs of that land, and the study of ancient stories is important not only from the literary, artistic or entertainment point of view, but also from the point of view of people's personal and social thoughts and values. This study attempts to analyze the status of the transcendent lover in the context of Varaqe and Golshah by explaining the symbols and archetypes of the story of Varaqe and Golshah and the role of the Transcendent Lover. One can see unity and connection of the archetypes in this poem are in the direction of the growth and recognition and achieving human perfection of the lover.
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