The function of the sign "Roses" in realistic thought of Parvin Etesami
Subject Areas : Persian Language & LiteratureSakineh Abbasi 1 * , ruhallah Hashemi 2
1 - دانش آموخته دکتری
2 - pasargad education
Keywords: realism, Rose, Parvin Etesami, Ghanaian Literature, Decoding,
Abstract :
One of the contemporary poets in Iran is Parvin-Etasami. Her poems are known for discussing and confronting the language and attitudes of female literature (female). Her thoughts of illness have entered the world of nature, but not for pleasure or comfort, but for the important conclusion that whispers of the components of nature, especially plants, reflect the "short life of humankind. In this article, the descriptive analytical method of all narrative poems in which the poet uses the sign of a rose is studied, in order to analyze the type of poet's view of his position as a woman in Persian literature. The result of this study indicates that the role of different roles in these samples is characteristic and in the Parvin poems collection generally reflects a specific type of female realism in Persian lyrical literature, which, unlike the norms Tradition is the richness and mythology of Iranian folk and is one of the first signs of modernism. In other words, in this particular view, the position of "woman" as "beloved" is not related to love and beauty and holiness, but rather to its material nature in the community of "unstable youth".
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