A Comparative Study of the Types of Mystical Love from the Viewpoint of Ibn Arabi and Jami in Baharestan
Subject Areas : Persian Language & Literature
Fatemeh Gasemian
Pooran Yosefipoor
Asieh Zabihnia Emran
1 - PhD candidate of Persian Language and Literature, Anar Branch, Islamic Azad University, Anar, Iran
2 - Assistant Professor of Persian Language and Literature, Anar Branch, Islamic Azad University, Anar, Iran
3 - Associate Professor of Persian Language and Literature, Payameh Noor University of Yazd, Yazd, Iran
Keywords: mysticism, love, Jami, Ibn Arabi, Baharestan,
Abstract :
Baharestan Jami (817-898 AH) is a book of ethics and moral advice with simple prose mixed with peotry written in 892 AH. Jami has written this instructions and allegorical work in imitation of Saadi's Gulestan. The fourth vow of Jami’s Baharestan is about love and lovers. Muhiuddin ibn Arabi (638-660 AH) is a great Andalusian mystic whose mysticism is based on love. Love is considered by Jami and Ibn Arabi to have many similarities. This paper is a descriptive-analytic and library research that aims to answer the question of what love is to Ibn al-Arabi and Jami. Based on the research findings, Jami seems to have been influenced by Ibn Arabi in explaining love, and both consider love to be innate and the basis of creation. For Ibn al-Arabi and Jami, the principle of mysticism, love, and unity of existence is that the centrality of the being and the truth of existence is the right of transcendence, and there is no other truth apart form that.
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