Prayer in Sahifa Sajjadieh
Subject Areas : Persian Language & LiteratureLeila Moradi 1 , Seyed Mohammad Amiri 2 *
1 - PhD candidate of Persian Language and Literature, Najafabad Branch, Islamic Azad University, Najafabad, Iran
2 - Associate Professor of Arab Language and Literature, Najafabad Branch, Islamic Azad University, Najafabad, Iran
Keywords: prayer, lyrical literature, Sahifa Sajjadieh,
Abstract :
Conversation with an unseen force, which had long been of interest to the primitive man, became lawful with the Abrahamic religions and became a form of prayer. Prayer with God is one of the most valuable and important things in Islam, and has received a lot of attention in the texts related to the teachings of the Shari'a and the Sufi texts. One of the most important religious books in which, in addition to religious teachings, mystical and literary issues are discussed is the book of Sahifa Sajjadieh by Imam Sajjad (AS). This analytical-descriptive article examines the place of prayer in Sahifa Sajjadieh's book. The main axes of research are repentance, patience, gratitude, hope, holy fear, voluntary poverty, abnegation, dependence on God, love and unity of God. The results of the research show that Imam Sajjad (AS), who was full of feelings and emotions in the text of Sahifa Sajjadieh's book, paid more attention to approaches based on love and even considered love to be higher than kindness and believed that kindness is the prerequisite of attaining love. Imam (AS) also considers kindness to one’s self as the first stage of love, as the exact same prayers, functions, and supplications that exist in his prayers are realizations of love of self.
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