Content Analysis of Complaints in Poetry of Mashrooteh with Emphasis on Mirzadeh Eshghi’s Poetry
Subject Areas : Persian Language & LiteratureBayan Karimi asli 1 , Karamali Ghadamyari 2 * , Abdollah Tolloee Azar 3
1 - PhD candidate of Persian Language and Literature, Orumiyeh University, Orumiyeh, Iran
2 - Assistant Professor of Persian Language and Literature, Orumiyeh University, Orumiyeh, Iran
3 - Assistant Professor of Persian Language and Literature, Orumiyeh University, Orumiyeh, Iran
Keywords: Mashrooteh Poetry”, “Mirzadeh Eshghi”, “Themes”, “Complaints",
Abstract :
Literature, especially the poetry of the Mashrooteh era, is often of the type of social-political literature, and depicts the sufferings of society at a critical time in the history of Iran. The Mashrooteh poet is expressing agent of society and expresses its pain. These calamities, whether from the government or nongovernmental bases, are reflected in the poetry of the Mashrooteh. The main mission of Mashrooteh poetry is to unite with the people with the intention of notifying and informing, to show protest and anger against the oppressors, and more precisely to fight against internal tyranny and external colonialism. Complaint is a poem that is aggressive and aroused by the emotion of anger and expresses the poet's disgust and protest against what does not correspond to his ideals or is against his attitudes and goals. Mirzadeh Eshghi, along with the passionate excitement and passion of sensitive emotions, is so brave and anti-oppressive that finally longs to achieve his mission and aspiration at the cost of his life and was removed from the circle of anti-authoritarianism. In this article, by studying, examining, and analyzing the themes of his grievances and views and the views of those around him and future generations, we try to show how and with whom this committed poet protested, against whom, and why and how he was removed from the battlefield. This is necessary and useful for finding the role of Mashrooteh poetry and literature and the value and importance of the poets of this period.
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