Measuring the comfort of night lighting and light pollution in the comfort environments of commercial complexes
Subject Areas : Life Space Journal
Parisa Mardi
Ali Asgari
1 - Master's student, Department of Architecture, Faculty of Architecture and Urban Planning, University of Arts, Tehran, Iran.
2 - Department of Architecture, Shahr-e-Qods Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran.
Keywords: Artificial Light, Lighting, interior architecture, light pollution, commercial spaces,
Abstract :
Statement of the problem: visual pollution in the informal sociable environments of contemporary commercial places, while reducing the physical quality of spaces and social interactions, can lead to irreparable damages due to the lack of awareness of the users of being in a polluted area and the immeasurable glare, inappropriate contrast, or the presence of direct light. be made This issue is more critical in commercial food courts, which in the last decade have had a high share of attracting the audience and creating human connections due to the nature of pauses and stops similar to comfort spaces.Purpose: The purpose of the present study is to evaluate the design of the environments in question and especially the environments with the potential to pause for customers in the commercial building, focusing on identifying the points and conditions that aggravate visual pollution, conducting research in three examples of informal collective spaces in commercial-office places in Tehran. has doneResearch method: The current research is practical in terms of its purpose, which is applied-practical research in terms of the exploratory view of identifying the problem of the spaces in question. Also, in order to measure the current situation based on mathematical models and photometric evaluation of space, it is causal-experimental mixed research from the point of view of nature and method. The method of collecting information in this research is field due to the need for visual perception and environmental photography, and in order to choose more suitable spaces for measuring glare, non-random sampling has been used as described above. For this purpose, the intensity of illumination is analyzed with the help of the luminance spectrum resulting from the dynamic imaging of the Lupine meter software during photography.The spaces studied in the research were three food courts of Shemiran Center, Seven Center, and Sam Center in Tehran during the period of using artificial light (after sunset) which were chosen non-randomly due to the spatial characteristics and availability of access to collect the necessary data. . The effective components of artificial light disturbance are displayed in each of the samples. As mentioned before, in addition to the light source, its type, and arrangement, other environmental factors such as materials are important in terms of the present reflective effect. In order to estimate the amount of reflection of materials, the dominant materials in these environments, such as metal, cement, glass, stone, plaster, wood, brick, and concrete, are numbered and displayed in percentage calculations.Conclusion: Comparing the analysis performed by Lupine Meter software, it was observed that generally spotlighting, especially spotlighting on the bright surface of the ceiling or walls, causes maximum glare in direct or peripheral view due to the functional enhancement of light with background reflection. On the other hand, after spotlighting, transparent surfaces and windows with a high reflection coefficient caused more glare when faced with inappropriate lighting angles.Also, based on the points made in all three food courts, it was found that glare and light pollution are more in the parts related to the central parts and less in the corner parts. This importance has also shown the maximums and minimums of the evaluations by intensifying the transparent walls in the centers and the cloudy walls at the edges of the space.These results, while confirming the importance and priority of "material type", "polished material reflection coefficient", "color", "installation angle", "arrangement" and "chosen lamp and light type" in previous research, intensify the factors and their synergy in Showed together.It is obvious that the current research has been carried out due to the limitations of studies on the basis of artificial light and the hours of field harvesting after sunset (no use of natural light) as well as the establishment of the space of the selected food courts on the fourth and fifth levels and regardless of the external artificial lighting of the background. This issue can be considered for future research. Also, as mentioned at the beginning of the article, the present research was formed with the aim of improving the environmental quality of sociable spaces in commercial-office buildings, which can be measured and compared in qualitative methods and based on the perceptive votes of the audience.