Analysis of the relationship between the behavioral characteristics of residents and the physical environment of residential spaces in CPTED approach (Case study of Tabarestan neighborhood of Sari)
Subject Areas :
Life Space Journal
Arian Rezaei khonakdar
Mehdi Ghafouri
Hossein Zabihi
1 - Department of Architecture, Sari Branch, Islamic Azad University, Sari, Iran.
2 - Department of Architecture, Sari Branch, Islamic Azad University, Sari, Iran.
3 - Associate Professor, Department of Urban Planning, Sciences and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran.
Received: 2021-05-29
Accepted : 2022-02-07
Published : 2022-03-16
factor analysis,
Environmental Security,
Resident Behavior Patterns,
Urban living space,
CPTED Approach,
Abstract :
It's obvious that crime is a general society concern. There are two main logic in crime investigations. The first set of research is based on physical characteristics such as different kinds of land use. This approach is derived from Jin Jacobs and then improved by using CPTED(Crime Prevention Through environmental design) and its strategies which previously had been discussed by Oskar Neman via protect's spaces. Second set of studies are related to quarters inhabitants' social characteristics, such as neighborhood, taking responsibilities, have a feeling of belongings to a place, social capital, cultural patterns and other variables that have been among a wide range of focused social factors in this research. Many fields of studies by considering some concepts, compare summary of netted problems. Historically, safety is perceived as an important factor in social life of every society. We can state that, city expansion and safety are two linked compartments that are followed by city sustainability, in a manner that the absence of one would cause some problems for the others and might bring obstacles for it. During recent decades, Civil researchers became vigilant about the role of architecture and city construction via making decisions and policies to create a desirable place and found some defensible theories of preventing crime by crime prevention through environmental design (CPTED) and environmental crime identification. Evidences shows that researches about the linkage between environment and behavior are very rampant. Nevertheless, hypothesis and processes of CPTED have been poorly tested. Sari city, reaches Mazandaran Sea from north and it reaches Alborz range of mountain from south, according to 2016 census, it's population was 347,402 people and the rate of population growth till 2026 is equal to 1.9 %. In this study, by various inhabitants' behavioral variables such as place ownership and realm protection, the sense of crowd and lack of control on environment, and anatomical variables with subsets such as place ownership, defensive privacy according to CPTED subsystems, by explicating safe habitable places in Sari city we try to figure out how can we adjust them to CPTED characteristics? Cities are sustainable and Complicated economic and social systems that deteriorate if their imbalances, such as security, are not controlled. It seems essential to examine the effect of behavioral patterns of residents (isolation, affinity, tolerance and anonymity) on security as well as the relationship between physical environment features and behavioral characteristics of residents based on CPTED approach in favor of environmental security. One of the newest approaches to urban security is Crime prevention Through Environmental Design(CPTED). It seems essential to examine the effect of behavioral patterns of residents on security as well as the relationship between physical environment features and behavioral characteristics of residents based on CPTED approach in favor of environmental security.Given the success of the CPTED model in different parts of the world, it is hoped that according to the hypotheses, by explaining the patterns of safe residential environments in the city, it can be adapted to CPTED characteristics and the relationship between physical environment characteristics and behavioral characteristics of residents in residential spaces. The present study, which is a descriptive and exploratory research methodology with a quantitative research approach, evaluates the components of CPTED under the hypothesis that in the course of the research, documentary and library methodology was first used to systematically review the relevant resources to identify the main CPTED criteria. Physical and social cognition of Tabarestan neighborhood through the distribution of a questionnaire extracted from the components of residents' behavioral patterns and characteristics of the physical environment, purposefully and the analysis of qualitative data, the degree of importance of each criterion was evaluated to aim to examine the relationship between physical environment and residents' behavior Determinants in designing a safe urban environment and using descriptive statistics in GOF certification, using factor analysis model, using inferential statistics through the criterion of research hypotheses and using Kolmogorov-Smrinov test using analysis of 384 questionnaires in the present model of G-years for 98 and 99 It was calculated that it shows a strong overall fit of the model, all research hypotheses are confirmed and conclude the presentation of the CPTED conceptual model with challenges in generations of this concept.
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