The Phenomenological Reading of the Meaning Implications of Place in the Relationship between Architecture and Cinema (Case Study: "Taste of Cherry" by Abbas Kiarostami)
Subject Areas : Life Space Journal
Noushin Sekhavatdoust
Fariba Alborzi
Amirhossein Amini
Shahabeddin Adel
1 - Ph.D. Candidate, Department of Architecture, Qazvin Branch, Islamic Azad University, Qazvin, Iran
2 - Associate Professor, Department of Architecture, Qazvin Branch, Islamic Azad University, Qazvin, Iran.
3 - Assistant Professor, Department of Architecture, Qazvin Branch, Islamic Azad University, Qazvin, Ira
4 - Associate Professor, Department of Cinema, Art University, Tehran, Iran
Keywords: Phenomenology of Place, Meaning of Place, Taste of Cherry, Abbas Kiarostami.,
Abstract :
The exploration of architectural space within the context of cinema allows for an examination of a place that extends beyond its mere physical factors, delving into its multifaceted social, cultural, philosophical, and psychological aspects. In the relationship between architecture and cinema, the emphasis shifts from the practical functions of architecture to the conceptual aspects of place and the interaction between the human (character) and his environment, thus uncovering the profound relationship between the art forms of architecture and cinema that transcends superficial aesthetic and physical evaluations. A crucial element within this study is the analysis of the relationship between characters, as users of place, and the narrative setting of the film with the place. This analysis can test the various dimensions and qualities of place as they relate to the content of the film, the character's reactions, and his sensory experiences, ultimately conclude meaning implications of place through the reading of the subject of the film and the relationship between the subject (character) and the place. Within this framework, the research seeks to delve into the meaning of place in "Taste of Cherry" by Abbas Kiarostami, with a focus on narrative content of the film and central character. The central inquiry is how the meaning implications of place is manifested in this particular case study. In response to this question, It is assumed that the meaning implications of place in "Taste of Cherry" is intrinsically linked to the film's narrative and the character's internal musings, reflection of his relationship with existence and mortality, and serving a dual purpose in illustrating the character's leaning towards either an embrace of life or a detachment from it. Considering the focus of the inquiry, which emphasizes the significance of delving into the character's internal reflections and his experiential engagement with the space and place constructs within the film, the research must delve into the subject of space and place through interpretive-hermeneutic methodologies. Within this framework, Martin Heidegger's phenomenological discourse emerges as a fitting paradigm, as it aligns with the research's thematic interest in the character's space and place experiences and his introspective relationship between his environment and surroundings. Furthermore, the philosophical concepts Heidegger espouses resonate with the contents of Abbas Kiarostami's "Taste of Cherry", a film that grapples with the contemplations of life, existence, and the counterpoint of death and nothingness. The current investigation adopts a qualitative approach, employing phenomenological methodology. In light of the research hypothesis, the meaningful factors of place are posited as dependent variables, while the interplay between the characteristics of place and the narrative content, as well as the character's situation, are deemed independent variables. These variables will be scrutinized in the case study analysis to substantiate the direct relationship between the physical, environmental, functional, and narrative factors- encompassing both verbal and non-verbal character interactions with place in "Taste of Cherry" and the meanings they convey. The compilation of research findings was derived from an examination of relevant literature, a meticulous viewing of the case study sample, and a review of written or audio-recorded interviews with the director about the subject of the research. The result of the research indicates that a direct and profound correlation between the physical factors (form, composition, materials, components and architectural elements of the place), environmental factors (landscape, site, ambient sound, color, light, objects), functional factors (type and use of the place and the activities performed in it), and narrative factors (character's behaviors and interactions with place) of the locations scrutinized in "Taste of Cherry" and the inherent meaning of these places within the film. These factors reflection the character's internal musings and the film's overarching narrative. On one hand, they can manifest the character's disengagement from life and the diminishment of the world's value and purpose in his eyes. Conversely, they can provoke a reconsideration of the impulse towards self-annihilation, fostering a shift in perspective that accepts a return to life, imbues the world with personal meaning, and encourages a connection with the environment and others. In this way, it can be said that the features of the locations in the "Taste of Cherry" are significantly related to the dual content of the work, contributing to representation the struggle between life and death.
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