Investigating the Effects of the Quality Components of Public Spaces in Creating Memorableness based on Gender (Case of Study: Urban Spaces of Qazvin)
Subject Areas : Life Space JournalNarges Mahmoudi 1 , Shadi Pakzad 2 * , masoud elahi 3
1 - Student, Department of Urban Planning, Faculty of Architecture and Urban Planning, Qazvin Branch, Islamic Azad University, Qazvin, Iran
2 - Assistant Professor of Urban Planning, Department of Urban Planning, Faculty of Architecture and Urban Planning, Qazvin Branch, Islamic Azad University, Qazvin, Iran
3 - Professor of Urban Planning, Urban Planning Dept., Faculty of Architecture and Urban Planning, Qazvin Branch of Islamic Azad University, Qazvin, Iran. Email:
Keywords: Urban spaces, evocativeness, gender differences, structural analysis, Qazvin.,
Abstract :
This research examines the sense of memory from a gender point of view and its link to everyday life in urban public spaces. The purpose of the forward study is to investigate the qualitative components of public spaces in creating a memorable experience based on gender, and by examining the important urban spaces of Qazvin city, an analysis based on creating a memorable experience in this urban space has been tried to be presented. The main research question is about how different dimensions of urban public spaces are related to the formation of memorable patterns based on gender. This research is a quantitative and qualitative integrated method and a correlational research approach. Information has been collected by in-depth interview method in a guided manner, and qualitative part data analysis was done using theme technique and with MAXQUDA2022.4 software. Analyzing the quantitative data using SPSS 24 software and at the inferential level for model testing, the structural equation modeling technique of Amos 24 software was used. In the first step, based on the interview technique, 6 main components and 24 sub-components were identified as spatial qualitative components affecting the memorability based on gender, then using the data obtained from the citizen questionnaire and factor analysis and structural equations of the components in the form of 6 factors physical, social and native, spatial, cultural and value, perceptual and psychological. In the following, the difference in the views of male and female citizens regarding the impact of these factors on the quality of urban spaces in creating a sense of memory was investigated. The obtained results showed that there are differences in the social and native components, spatial components, cultural and value components, perceptual components in the perspective of women and men, men benefit from the configuration and design of the mentioned spaces in creating a memorable feeling in Qazvin city more than It is a women's group. Also, the results show that women see a significant connection between their rights in creating the configuration of urban spaces and a memorable belonging to the city.
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