The model of factors causing organizational anomie in Iran's general sports and youth departments
Subject Areas : Others
Ali Aghazadeh
Seyad Ehsan Amirhosseini
vali nowzari
1 - Department of Sport Science, Yasooj Branch, Islamic Azad University, Yasooj, Iran
2 - Department of sport Science, Yasuj Branch, Islamic Aazad University, Yasuj, Iran
3 - Assistant Professor, Department of Sport Science, Arsanjan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Arsanjan, Iran
Keywords: Norms, Chaos, organizational anomie, Sports and Youth Departments,
Abstract :
Objective: This research was conducted with the aim of providing a model of the factors that cause organizational anomie in the sports and youth departments of Iran. The approach of this research is based on qualitative methodology and data collection was done through deep semi-structured interviews and their analysis was done based on thematic analysis.Methodology: The method of descriptive research and data collection was in the field. The data of the qualitative phase of the review of 21 related articles, two documents and semi structured in-depth interviews with 15 experts in organizational management and sports were obtained and coded using the purposeful sampling method and the principle of theoretical saturation. In the quantitative part, the statistical population including all managers and employees of Iran's Sports and Youth Department was equal to 2236 people, who were first selected randomly by stratification and then using the available random dust sampling method and based on the Karjesi and Morgan table, 328 people were selected.The tool for collecting data in the quantitative part was a researcher-made questionnaire.The validity of the measurement tool was confirmed in the form of content and construct validity.Conclusion: Managers' focus on the obtained themes and efforts to eliminate anomalies, conflicting goals, conflicts, and measured management measures that lead to satisfaction and improved performance will reduce anomalies and anomie.Findings: As a result of data analysis and extraction, there were142basic themes, 36 organizing themes and comprehensive themes including internal organizational factors, institutional factors, managerial factors, environmental factors and norms.
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- Tari, h; Mokhtari, M.; Kia Kejori, d. (2022) The Decline of Organizational Ethics: Presenting the Three-Pronged Model of Organizational Anomie, Ethics in Science and Technology, 17(5), 50-61. (persian)
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_||_- Abbasi, H; Khanumradi, S; Eidi, H. (2016) Strategic Pathology of the General Directorate of Sports and Youth of Kermanshah Province in the field of sports, Sports Management, 6, 891-905
- Abdi, F; Hosseini Nia, R. (2018) Identifying and prioritizing factors affecting the organizational anomie of sports and youth departments using interpretive structural modeling, Master's thesis, Shahrood University of Technology, Faculty of Physical Education.
- Abedi Jafari, H; Taslimi, M. S; Faqihi, A. H; Sheikhzadeh, M. (2011) Thematic analysis and network of themes: a simple and efficient method to explain the patterns in qualitative data, Strategic Management Thought, 5(2), 151-198. (persian)
- Abreu, E., Souza, M., & Fleury, L. (2018). “Influence of Anomie and Organizational Commitment on the Turnover Intention in Organizations”, Actualidades en Psicologia,
32(125), 51-69.
- Amrai, F; Mousavi, S; Sephovand, R; Nazarpuri, A. (2022) Sociological analysis of the antecedents and consequences of organizational anomie (case study: Lorestan Province Workers' Welfare Bank), Social Capital Management, 9(1), 7-49. (persian)
- Attride–Stirling, J. (2001). Thematic Networks: An Analytic Tool for Qualitative Research, Journal of Qualitative Research, Vol 1, No. 3. Pp 385-405.
- Baah, C., Jin, Z., & Tang, L. (2020). Organizational and regulatory stakeholder pressures friends or foes to green logistics practices and financial performance: investigating corporate reputation as a missing link. Journal of cleaner production, 247, 119125.
- Basco R., Calabrò A., Campopiano G. (2019). Transgenerational entrepreneurship around the world: Implications for family business research and practice. Journal of Family Business Strategy, 10(4), Article 100249.
- Choi, Y., Myung, J., & Kim, J. (2018). “The Effect of Employees’ Perceptions of CSR Activities o Employee Deviance: The Mediating Role of Anomie”, Sustainability, pp.1-20.
- Farahani, A; Kashif, M.; Gholamzadeh Yamchi, A; Khodadadi, M. R. (2014) The relationship between comprehensive quality management and improvement in physical education departments of East Azarbaijan Province, Sports Management, 6, 1-17. (persian)
- Fandiño A, Marcos AdS, Formiga NS, Menezes R. (2015) Organizational Anomie, Professional Self-Concept and Organizational Support Perception: Theoretical Model Evidences for Management. International Journal of Business and Social Science, 6(1), 1-10.
- Formiga, N., Ferreira, L., & Souza, M. (2020). “Social anomie and organizational anomie: verification of a theoretical model in brazilian workers, Research”, Society and Development, 9(8), pp. 43-66.
- Gol.Sorkhi K, Toureh N. (2021) Investigating the relationship between managers' effective behavior with organizational trauma and organizational anomie among employees of the General Department of Education in Kurdistan Province.: Payame Noor University of Hamadan. Payame Noor Malayer Center. (persian)
- Hemtinejad, M.; Hamidi, M.; Madani, S. M; Mirzaei Kalar, A. (2012) The study of the preparation of the employees of the general physical training departments of East Azarbaijan, West Azarbaijan and Ardabil provinces in Padiresh, Comprehensive Quality Management, Sports Management, 14, 123-138. (persian)
- Mafrolla, E., Matozza, F., D’Amico, E. (2022) Sociological Structures and Accounting Misbehavior: An Institutional Anomie Theory Explanation of Restatements in Family Firms, Business and Society 62(2), 434-469
- McSweeney MJ. (2020) Returning the social to social entrepreneurship: Future possibilities of critically exploring sport for development and peace and social entrepreneurship. International Review for the Sociology of Sport, 55(1), 3-21.
- Mousavi SN, Shariatnejad A, Arefnejad M. (2015) Identifying and prioritizing the factors causing organizational anomie using fuzzy Delphi technique. Quarterly Journal of Economic Management and Accounting, 4, 115-30.(persian)
- Pillay, S., Riaz, Sh. Dorasamy, N. (2023) Examining the work–life balance of immigrants in Australia: An anomie theory perspective, international Journal of Intercultural Relations, Volume 93, March 2023, 101753,
- Rahman.Seresht H, Mazloumi N, Sefidchian S. (2017) Organizational anomie (dimensions of the concept of stimulus and consequences). (persian)
- Ramezani F, Modi D, Keshtidar M. (2020) The Relationship between Anomie, Organizational Trauma and Professional Commitment in Physical Education Faculty Members of Farhangian University. Journal of Sports Science, 11(35), 59-72. (persian)
- Safari M, Salehi SM, Javadi MH. (2020) Investigating the presence or absence of anomie in Urmia University: Urmia University. (persian)
- Sefidchian S, Mazloumi N, Salehi.Sedghiani J. (2018) A Model of Organizational Anomie and Its Factors. Organizational Behavior Studies, 6(4), 107-30. (persian)
- Salimi M. (2018) Providing a model for the development of professional ethics in sports organizations. Quarterly Journal of Ethics in Science and Technology, 12(1),1-13. (persian)
- Sarreshtehdari, M; Pourkiani, M; Emami, F. (2018) Compilation of a strategic model of customer loyalty with thematic analysis approach, Strategic Studies of Sport and Youth, 18(45), 299-314. (persian)
- Sepahvand R, Arefnejad M, Sepahvand M. (2020) The effect of organizational spirituality on organizational anomie with emphasis on the mediating role of work ethic (Case study: Lorestan University). Management in Islamic University, 8(18), 387-406. (persian)
- Sypniewska BA. Work Anomie in an Organisation. International Journal of Contemporary Management. 2017;16(2).
- Tari, h; Mokhtari, M.; Kia Kejori, d. (2022) Identifying the effective factors on organizational anomie in Iran's government organizations with the approach of textual content analysis, Islamic lifestyle with a focus on health, 6(2), 349-363. (persian)
- Tari, h; Mokhtari, M.; Kia Kejori, d. (2022) The Decline of Organizational Ethics: Presenting the Three-Pronged Model of Organizational Anomie, Ethics in Science and Technology, 17(5), 50-61. (persian)
- Theriault, J. E., Young, L., & Barrett, L. F. (2021). The sense of should: A biologically-based framework for modeling social pressure. Physics of Life Reviews, 36, 100-136.