Designing the Model of the Functions of Student Sports toward with the Sustainable Development of the Education System with the Approach of Generational Changes
Subject Areas : knowledge Management
Mehrdad Mohamadi
Nasrollah Mohammadi
فرشاد امامی
Jamshid sayarnejad
1 - Sports Management Department, Ayatollah Amoly Branch, Islamic Azad University, Amoly, Iran.
2 - Assistant Professors, Department of Sport Management, Payame Noor University (PNU), Tehran, Iran.
3 - استادیار گروه تربیت بدنی، واحد آمل، دانشگاه آزاد اسلامی، آمل، ایران
4 - Department of Sport Managment, Islamic Azad University, Ghaemshahr
Keywords: student sports, sustainable development, education, generational changes,
Abstract :
The purpose of this research was to design a model of student sports functions in line with the sustainable development of the education system with a generational change approach. The present research method is grounded theory. To collect the required data, library studies, semi-structured interviews, and in-depth interviews were used to identify the relevant components. The statistical population in this study included scientific experts and researchers in the fields of education, physical education, and sports sciences; policy experts in the Ministry of Education and related institutions; school physical education managers and teachers; and researchers and experts in the fields of generational studies and socio-cultural developments. Sampling was done by the purposive sampling method and using the snowball method (16 people). To evaluate the quality and validity of the qualitative results, Lincoln and Guba's (1985) evaluation criteria were used. Interview coding was performed using MAXQDA software. The findings showed that the functions of student sports in line with the sustainable development of the education system with a generational change approach include physical, psychological, and social rehabilitation (6 indicators) and sustainable life skills and communication (4 indicators). Therefore, to achieve the goals of sustainable development in the education system and keep pace with the changes and needs of new generations of students, it is necessary to design sports functions in schools in such a way that while providing physical, psychological, and social rehabilitation for students, it also provides opportunities for improving communication and sustainable life skills
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