The effect of putrescine foliar application on morphologic characteristics of wheat Tiriticum aestivum var sw-82-9 under water deficit stress
Subject Areas :zahra Karimi 1 * , Hamidreza Tohidi Moghadam 2 , Pourangh Kasraie 3
1 - Department of agronomy, Varamin Branch Islamic Azad University, Varamin - Pishva, Varamin,Tehran- Iran
2 - Department of agronomy, Varamin Branch Islamic Azad University, Varamin - Pishva, Varamin,Tehran- Iran
3 - Department of agronomy, Varamin Branch Islamic Azad University, Varamin - Pishva, Varamin,Tehran- Iran
Keywords: Grain yield, Wheat, Water deficit stress, harvest index, putrescine, Ear length,
Abstract :
This experiment was conducted to effect of putrescine foliar application on morphologic characteristics of wheat (Tiriticum aestivum var sw-82-9) under water deficit stress as split pilot arrangement and randomized complete block design with three replication (12 plots) at Islamic Azad University farm. The main split including four irrigation levels: normal irrigation, withholding irrigation in stem elongation, withholding irrigation in flowering and withholding irrigation in grain filling and the secondary plot including foliar application with purred water, Putrescine foliar applications with 75 and 150 ppm. Minimum plant and ear length were in withholding irrigation in stem elongation with 70.29 and 8.86 cm, respectively while the mentioned characteristics in Putrescine foliar applications with 150 ppm were 84.04 and 11.06, respectively. Maximum plant and ear length in normal irrigation with putrescine foliar applications 150 ppm were 84.4 and 10.63 cm, respectively. Minimum grain yield and harvest index were at withholding irrigation in flowering with 5045.7 and 38.16 % and Maximum grain yield and harvest index were at normal irrigation with putrescine foliar applications stage with 150 ppm, 6428.3 and 42.8 %, respectively. Putrescine foliar application in all groups ameliorated grain yield, wheat length, thousand of grain weight, biological yield and number of ear per mm2 and seen positive correlation. Putrescine foliar application increased plant length (81.27 cm) ear length (11.06 cm) grain yield (6528.3 Kg.ha) and harvest index (43.24 %) with respect to control group. It seems putrescine foliar application modified morphologic traits.