Abstract :
This study aimed to investigate the role of personality traits and marital satisfaction in predicting job satisfaction among the personnel of Bonyad-e-Shahid and Omoor-e-Isargaran in Shiraz. To this end, 112 employees of these two organizations were selected through simple random sampling. The instruments of the study included a job satisfaction questionnaire (J.D.I.), a personality traits questionnaire with five factors (NEO- FFI), and a marital satisfaction questionnaire (ENRICH). Data analysis involved employing regression analysis, independent t-test and Pearson correlation. The results of the study suggested that there was a moderate significant correlation between personality traits and job satisfaction while the relationship between marital satisfaction and job satisfaction was not statistically significant. NEO personality traits including neurosis, flexibility and conscientiousness could predict job satisfaction. Further, the results indicated that there was a significant correlation between personality traits and marital satisfaction. Sex, however, did not have any significant correlation with job satisfaction and marital satisfaction. Based on the results of this study, it is suggested that when employing qualified employees in administrative posts their personality traits should be taken into consideration
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