Analyzing the barriers to women's political participation and relevant laws In the system of the Islamic Republic of Iran
Subject Areas : Woman and family
Hedieh sadat Mirtorabi
hojat mohamad shahi
nilofar chinichian
1 - Faculty of Law, East Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
2 - Instructor, Public Law, Campus Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran.
3 - PhD student in Political Science, Campus Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran.
Keywords: political participation, the legal system of contemporary Iran, Women', s rights,
Abstract :
Women's political rights and how they participate in the public sphere in contemporary Iran are always challenging, given the frameworks derived from the religion, tradition, culture and custom that govern society. From this perspective, the explanation of the main question of this article is due to the lack and capacity of the Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Iran for the presence of women in politics. The structure of the research is based on telling the history of women's participation and presence in the public arena from the constitutional era until now, the position of women's political rights in the constitution of the Islamic Republic of Iran, women's performance and presence in the public forces of Iran (by the country's basic institutions). Also in the field of theoretical framework, in addition to the subject laws, some views opposing women's participation in public affairs have been raised and criticized. In this process, the research method is descriptive-analytical; The purpose of this article, in addition to recognizing the capacities of the Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Iran, is to examine the challenges and shortcomings in the theoretical and practical field. Also, in this regard, relying on the high power of the epistemological frameworks of Islamic laws and considering the conditions of the present era, practical and appropriate contexts and solutions to address this issue in the field of politics and legislation are examined.[1]
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