The effect of Rumi’s integrated didactic model training on parent-child relationships in female students
Subject Areas : Woman and familyFariba Farazi 1 * , Masoumeh Esmaili 2 , Hossein Eskandari 3 , Mohammad Hatami 4
1 - * Instructor, PhD in Educational Psychology, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran (Corresponding Author)
2 - Professor, Department of Counseling, Allameh Tabatabai University, Tehran, Iran
3 - Professor, Department of Psychology, Allameh Tabatabai University, Tehran, Iran
4 - Professor, Department of Psychology, Kharazmi University, Tehran, Iran
Keywords: parent-child relationship, communication skills, female students, The Educational- Rumi's Compilation model,
Abstract :
Parents and their children build new relationships with each other during adolescence. This study aimed to investigate the effect of Rumi’s integrated didactic model training on parent-child relationships. The present study was a Quasi-experimental research with a pretest-posttest control group design and the statistical population comprised all twelfth grade female students in Birjand technical schools in the academic year 2016-2017. Out of this population, 30 people who met the inclusion criteria were selected by multistage cluster sampling. Fine, Moreland and Schwebel Parent-Child Relationship Inventory (1983) was used to measure the dependent variable. The training program was performed in 8 sessions of 1 hour for the experimental group and the control group did not receive any intervention. The research data were analyzed using multivariate analysis of covariance. The results demonstrated that Rumi’s integrated didactic model training improved parent-child relationships compared to the control group (P <0.05). According to the obtained results, it can be stated that the quality of parent-child relationships improves as a result of Rumi’s integrated didactic model training.
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