Investigating the effect of cultural capital on the experience of violence against women in the family, emphasizing the heterogeneity of cultural capital between couplesCase study: married women of Sabzevar
Hossein ghodrati
Associate Professor of Sociology, Geographical Sciences and Social Studies Research Center, Hakim Sabzevari University
mahya abbasi
Master's student in the field of social science research at Hakim Sabzevari University
shafieh Ghodrati
Assistant Professor of Demography, Geographical Sciences and Social Studies Research Center, Hakim Sabzevari University
Keywords: cultural capital, family, Violence against women,
Abstract :
Domestic violence is the most common type of violence. This phenomenon has devastating and unpleasant consequences for the victim and society. Women are more abused and harmed by domestic violence than men. Structural theories claim that having or not having different forms of capital together has played an effective role in the occurrence or reduction of violence and even preventing it. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of cultural capital on the experience of violence against women in the family, emphasizing the heterogeneity of cultural capital among couples. This was a descriptive and correlational research that was conducted with a survey research method and a questionnaire technique. The statistical population included all married women aged 20 to 50 in Sabzevar city, and 375 people were selected as a sample by using multi-stage cluster sampling and using Cochran's formula. The findings showed that the variables of couples' differences in the amount of cultural capital, embodied, objectified and institutionalized cultural capital have a negative and significant relationship with violence against women. The results of the multivariate regression test showed that the value (R2=0.244) of the variance of the violence variable is explained by the independent variables. If couples have differences in terms of having cultural capital, the level of domestic violence increases. This importance should be taken into consideration in interventions related to the family area.