The Role Of Women In Social Political Movements In Middle East 2010 (Republic of Yemen)
Subject Areas : Law and Political ScienceSamireh Hazbave 1 * , Mohammad Reza Alam 2
1 - Islamic Azad University Khozestan Branch, Department of Political Sciences, Ahvaz, Iran.
2 - Ahvaz Shahid Chamran University in Ahvaz, Department of history, Ahvaz, Iran.
Abstract :
The international community in 2011 witnessed a set of popular uprisings in the Middle East region .In these developments, the world faced the presence of women in the public arena. One of the countries where women played an important and determining role in furthering the uprising was "Republic of Yemen". The presence of women in such development was so significant, that some of the violent uprising media analysis called the rebels as "Bloody Friday", "Day of Rage" or "Day of Fate". In this context, the main analytical approach of the current research paper was a descriptive; that investigated the role of women in the Middle East recent movement by relying on Yemen. Research findings showed that concerning the domination of the dictatorship prior to the recent developments in Yemen and the poverty of the country compared to other countries in the region, the women, along with the men by taking part in different ways, either directly or indirectly exposed their participation in 2010 social political developments to the international community This was an example of promoting social and political participation of women.
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