The Political Participation Level Evaluation of Working Women in the Department of Education and Training in Region 2 of Ahvaz
Subject Areas : Law and Political ScienceLena Abdolkhani 1 * , Tahmineh Jouhar 2
1 - Islamic Azad University Ahvaz Branch,Department of Political Sciences,Ahvaz, Iran.
2 - Islamic Azad University Ahvaz Branch, Department of Political Sciences, Ahvaz, Iran.
Abstract :
Women, as an influential group in participation, especially political participation, play an important role in political decision-making. The present study was to evaluate the level of political participation of women (working in the Department of Education and Training in region 2 of Ahvaz) and the related factors. It aims were to examine these women’s attitude toward political participation, especially at decision-making and decision-creating levels. The conceptual framework of the study is Lester Milbrath’s view in the "Political Participation" book. Based on this framework, the relationship between independent variables like social class and status, employment status, age, education, residence, self-commitment to the political system, following the family's culture, sense of efficacy, perceived injustice and political awareness and the dependent variable, namely political participation was examined. The present study is a field study and is carried out by survey and analytical procedures. The population included all the teachers, educational instructors, and counselors working in elementary, secondary and high schools in region 2 of Ahvaz in the academic year 2011-2012. Based on the estimates, they outnumbered 2850; using Cochran’s formula, the sample subsumed 300 subjects. The findings of the study suggested that factors like marital status, age, education, social and economic conditions did not affect women’s political participation; however, variables like trust and commitment to the political system, religious attitudes and perceived injustice could influence the political participation of women.
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