Woman Appearance in Contemporary Arabic Poetry (Case study: Fawziyya Abu Khalid Poetry)
Subject Areas : Persian the literatureMohsen Seifi 1 * , Sadigheh Jafari nezhad 2
1 - Kashan University, Department of Arabic language and literature, Kashan, Iran.
2 - Kashan University, Department of Arabic language and literature, Kashan, Iran.
Abstract :
Fawziyya Abu Khalid (1955) is a Contemporary Saudi poet who versified the essence of much of her poetic collections due to the woman. This poet objected her community in many poems on the ignoring of women's right. The research was purposed to study the woman appearance in her works by applying descriptive- analytic method and to review some of woman position in Fawziyya Abu Khalid poems. She was especially concerned about complain of not honoring the woman sufficiently as the mother of humanity, the mother who she considered as a symbol of fertility and resurrection and interpreted her as homeland and appealed her freedom from the yoke of oppression of her community. To counter the society traditions and to defend her famine rights freely, she turned to poems so she could stand up against the women humiliations via utilizing the lyrics language.
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