The Role of Organizational and Personal Resilience in Women's Digital Business and Entrepreneurship Culture
Subject Areas : Management
Moahammad Bashokouh Ajirloo
Niksa Jabari Kordlar
1 - Professor, Department of Business Management, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Mohaghegh Ardabili, Ardabil, Iran.
2 - Master's student in entrepreneurship, Department of Business Management, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Mohaghegh Ardabili, Ardabil, Iran.
Keywords: Organizational Resilience, Women digital entrepreneurship, Personal Resilience,
Abstract :
The aim of this research was to study the role of organizational and personal resilience in women's digital business and entrepreneurship culture. The research universe included all studied and texts related to digital business and entrepreneurship culture. The sample encased the topics and texts contents related to women’s digital business and entrepreneurship culture. The research was designed as a descriptive and analytical type. To collect data a library method via note taking on index cards was implemented. Then the data was analyzed through content analysis procedure. The results revealed that resilience was an important feature in the personality and character of the entrepreneur and was considered as a fundamental aspect in the entrepreneurial process. Resilience drive the organization towards achieving successful results and it could help companies manage adversity. Organizational resilience was especially important for small businesses and startups. Also, at the level of personal resilience, researchers referred to it as cognitive and behavioral characteristics. Resilient individuals had an optimistic, passionate and energizing outlook on life and were interested in new experiences. From a psychological point of view, resilient people were those who were able to withstand stress and deal with pressure. Also, the findings indicated that entrepreneurship played an important role in strengthening business culture, economic prosperity and improving national welfare. The development of technology provided a series of opportunities for women entrepreneurs to explore and expand their business operations. The communication technology development led to the birth of social media networks that enable female entrepreneurs to innovate in marketing practices.
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