Analyzing the Economic Ownership Challenges of Employed Married Women with a Qualitative Approach
Subject Areas : Economy
Arezu Ghafoori
Saideh Sharif
Mohamad Mahdi Shariat Bagheri
1 - Teacher, Department of Psychology and Counseling, Faculty of Psychology., Farhangian University, Bent Al-Hoda Sadr, Qazvin, Iran.
2 - Master of Educational Research, Faculty of Psychology, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran.
3 - Assistant Professor, Department of Clinical-Educational Psychology, Faculty of Psychology, Central Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran.
Keywords: Employed married women, qualitative approach, Economic ownership,
Abstract :
The aim of the study was to analyze the economic ownership challenges of employed married women with a qualitative approach. The statistical population included all employed married women. The research sample was 20 employed married women who were selected through purposive sampling procedure and interviewed using the standardized open-ended interview. After interviewing the 15th person, data saturation was achieved. The qualitative research design was carried out based on grounded theory and relying on Glazer's design. For data analysis, the substantive coding and theoretical coding method was implemented and in order to increase the accuracy of data analysis, MAXQDA version 12 was used. By evaluating the coherence between the categories with the nuclear category it was determine that among the Glasers 18 theoretical coding families, the Six C's family was more appropriate, and therefore the analysis conducted based on it. In the middle ground theory, the "marginal demands" as a core phenomenon and ten other categories including "economic conditions", " want it all " , "responsibility", "seduction", "neglect", " belong to", "spiritual intelligence"," inevitability", " economic distrust " and "cultural context", were identified; which their relationship were explained in the form of propositions and the visual model. Also, the findings showed that spiritual factors have the greatest impact on family transcendence. Spirituality is a dimension of every person's life that, if developed, gives a person the ability to go beyond the natural laws and usual orders of life and motivates a person to find meaning and purpose, especially in critical situations.
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