Women and Family Positions in the Poems of Sana'i and Abul'ala Ma'ari
Subject Areas : Persian the literatureHosein Salimi 1 * , Ahmadnoor Vahidi 2
1 - Assistant Professor, Department of Persian Language and Literature, Faculty of Literature and Humanities, Persian Gulf University, Bushehr, Iran.
2 - Assistant Professor, Department of Persian Language and Literature, Faculty of Literature and Humanities, Higher Educational Complex of Saravan, Saravan, Iran.
Keywords: Women and family positions, Poetry works Ma’ari, Poetry works of Sana'I,
Abstract :
The research was intended to investigate the women and family positions in the poems of Sana'i and Abul'ala Ma'ari. The study statistical universe encompassed the poetry works of Sana'i and Abul'ala Ma'ari. The sample of the research subsumed the selected verses from the poems of Sanai and Abul Ala Maari which were selected based on their positive and negative views on the position of women and family. The research was designed with descriptive- analytical method. To analyze and compare the views of two poets on the subject, a sample of the both poets' poems were discussed and analyzed The results indicated that Sanai and Abul Alaa Maari were two famous poets in Persian and Arabic literature who explained and analyzed the position of women more than others. At the same time, there were similar cases in their worldview towards women and the foundation of the family, as well as differences in their thoughts. According to Sana'i point of views, sometimes social poems about women and family were subject to emotions. On the other hand, Maari's thoughts about women and family were not only caused by fleeting feelings, but had been influenced by a kind of deep philosophical despair and pessimism, which had developed in him over many years. Another point was that many of Maari and Sana's comments and insights towards women were influenced by the society and social conditions of their era. And this was more true about Senai. In other words, many of the popular beliefs and opinions of the society about women and family had been effective in the mind and language of these two poets.
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