Examining the Stories of Female Immigrant Writers Based on Mikhail Bakhtin's Carnivalesque Theory
Subject Areas : Persian the literature
Fatemeh Jafaryan
Shervin Khamseh
Soheyla Ghasimi tarshizi
1 - Islamic Azad University Tehran Central Branch, Department of Persian Language and Literature, Tehran, Iran.
2 - Islamic Azad University Tehran Central Branch, Department of Persian Language and Literature, Tehran, Iran.
3 - Islamic Azad University Tehran Central Branch, Department of Persian Language and Literature, Tehran, Iran.
Keywords: Carnivalesque theory, Migrant writers, Mikhail Bakhtin,
Abstract :
The purpose of this research was to examine the stories of female immigrant writers based on Mikhail Bakhtin's Carnivalesque theory. The research universe included all the stories of female immigrant writers. The sample of the research subsumed the stories of migration from Goli Targhi (12 stories) and Firouze Jazayeri Duma (Laughter Without an Accent), which was analyzed based on Mikhail Bakhtin's theory of Carnivalesque from Dostoyevsky's book Boutique. The research design was descriptive-analytical. Data gathering was processed based on the collecting of library information, documents, and note taking on index cards, on the basis of characteristics such as carnival actions, chronotope (examination of time-space), architectonics (organization of subject relationships) and heteroglossia (meaning in the situation) and investigation of situations carnivalization of migration in several stories of the mentioned authors. The data were analyzed according to Bakhtin's theory Carnivalesque. The results showed that, in order to achieve harmony in the conditions of time and place and new situation in a carnivalized environment, the immigrants change their behavior and character to harmonize themselves with the new land. Also, in carnival's view, a foreigner was considered another at any time and place, and she/he could not fully accept the identity of the people of the new land. It was also challenging to cope with the culture, language and situation of people from other lands in the works of Goli Targhi and Firuzeh Jazayeri. Both authors had experienced two types of life in the two situations of homeland and immigrated land. The stories of these two writers were a direct and realistic reflection of their lived world.
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