Resynchronization Strategies for Reproductive Management in Dairy Herds
Subject Areas : clinical veterinary science
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Keywords: Resynchronization of ovulation, short resynchronization programs, pregnancy per artificial insemination, inter-insemination interval, dairy cows ,
Abstract :
Inseminating second-service cows based on an observed return to estrus is the most economically efficient method for second insemination.
Employing a resynchronization system will generally increase efficiency by reducing the interval between inseminations for cows that are not pregnant.
If a resynchronization system is used then the most important considerations are:
The interval between the first AI and the resynchronized AI;
The conception rate of the resynchronized AI;
The speed and accuracy of the pregnancy diagnosis method.
The short resynchronization program reduced the time to pregnancy because of a reduction of the inter-insemination interval for cows with a CL at non pregnancy diagnosis.
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