Effect of individual housing on chronic pain in mice
Subject Areas : clinical veterinary scienceM.R Rahimnejad 1 * , رامین Hajikhani 2 , M.U Aguilar Merchen 3
1 - Department of Basic science, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Islamic Azad University,
karaj Branch, Iran
2 - Department of Basic science, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Islamic Azad University,
karaj Branch, Iran
3 - Department of Psychology, Tarbiat Modaress University, Tehran, Iran
Keywords: Social Isolation, pain, individual housing, Formalin test,
Abstract :
Individual housing and social isolation means falling apart from fellow in man and social animals is consideredone powerful stressful event through several studies that has been shown negative effects of individual housingon various aspects of physiological function of living organisms such as laboratory, domestic and farm animals.In this study 20 mice (10 male and 10 female) have been divided into 2 groups (social and individual housing) andhave been maintained for one month in this condition then the rate of chronic pain were measured with formalintest. The results indicated reduction of chronic pain in male and female individually housed mice but this reductionwas signifcantly greater in male mice. For understanding mechanisms involved in this process, further studies inthe felds of neurochemical changes due to social isolation and sex differences in behavioral changes induced bysocial isolation are recommended