The clinical report of a keratomycosis and its treatment in a horse
Subject Areas : clinical veterinary scienceH.R Fattahian 1 * , روزبه Moridpour 2 , A. Hosseinzadeh 3 , فرشته Farahani Kh 4 , فاطمه Saadinam 5 , مریم Fatorehchi 6
1 - Department of clinical sciences, Faculty of Specialized Veterinary Sciences, Science
and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran,Iran
2 - Department of clinical sciences, Faculty of Specialized Veterinary Sciences, Science
and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran,Iran
3 - Private Practitioner, Tehran,Iran
4 - Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad
University, Tehran,Iran
5 - Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad
University, Tehran,Iran
6 - Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad
University, Tehran,Iran
Keywords: horse, Cornea, Keratomycosis,
Abstract :
Keratomycosis is diagnosed more frequently in warm and humid temperature and associated with signifcantocular morbity and is considered as an important challenge to ophthalmologist and equine veterinarian. Fungiare normal inhabitant of equine environment and corneal-conjuctival microflora , and can be invasive by lack ofintegrity and stability of precorneal tear flm and corneal epithelial cell injury. The aim of this report is diagnosisand clinical manegment of keratomycosis in the horse and avoidance of ocular enuclation. The horse has beenreferred after small corneal injury and because of inappropriate medical therapy, with diffuse fungial infection.After subpalpebral lavage ,diluate povidine iodine used twice daily and ketoconazole (azole), flunixin meglumine(nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory agent) and atropine as ophthalmic drop, applied. Natamycine (antifungial agent)in frst 24 hour in each hour and for 3 days every 4 hours and 2 drops applied up to third week every 6 hours.Keratomycosis in horses associates with corneal injury, is considered a common disease but a risk for eye visionand discomfort. Diagnostic, appropriate management of medical, surgical treatment and cooperation of horseowners are important factors for horse to return to exercise.