Clinical report of reconstructive surgery of sacroiliac separation and iliac shaft fracture in dog
Subject Areas : clinical veterinary scienceH.R Fattahian, 1 * , M. Nasrolahzadeh Masoule, 2 , A.R. Hosseinzadeh, 3
1 - epartment of Surgery, Faculty of Specialised Veterinary Sciences, Sciences and Research Research, Islamic Azad University, Tehran-Iran
2 - Department of Radiology, Faculty of Specialised Veterinary Sciences, Sciences and
Research Research, Islamic Azad University, Tehran-Iran
3 - Paradise small animal private clinic, Tehran-Iran
Keywords: Dog, Sacroiliac separation, Iliac fracture,
Abstract :
Sacroiliac luxation results when there is disruption of the articulation between the wing of the sacrum and iliacwing. This problem may be unilateral or bilateral. A two year-old, 9 kg weighting, male Spitz dog was referred toprivate clinic. Clinical signs were non-weight-bearing on hind-limbs, lameness, and loss of appetite and sever painon palpation.Sacroiliac separation and fracture of ilium were reconstructed using cortical screw and 2.7 plates respectively.Muscles, subcutaneous tissue, and skin of both sides were sutured routinely. Postoperative care was performedby broad-spectrum antibiotic and aspirin. The patient started weight bearing on day 4 after operation. Cliniciansshould reconstruct sacroiliac separation immediately because of nerve roots engagement following the sacroiliacseparation and pelvic fracture and likely secondary nerve root damage or disruption.