Principles of root canal therapy in small animals
Subject Areas : clinical veterinary science
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Abstract :
Endodontic therapy is a branch of dentistry that deals with diagnosis and treatment of disease of the pulp and the associated tissues. When pulpal tissue is destroyed, some form of endodontic treatment is essential to preserve teeth. On the other hand it is an appropriate alternative for tooth extraction. The necrotic part of pulpal canal is removed and the function of the fractured tooth is preserved in the oral cavity. The aim of root canal treatment is the prevention and treatment of pulpal and periapical disease. In case of pulpitis, the treatment is aimed at preventing root canal infection by removing the pulpal tissue. The most common indication for endodontics is fractured teeth. If the tip of the crown appears black, the patient is a candidate for a work up and evaluation of the tooth. Endodontic disease refers to inflammation (pulpitis) or necrosis of the pulp tissues. Depending to the severity of the insult the pulpitis may be reversible or irreversible. According to the age of the patient and severity of the insult, the tooth becomes a candidate for either pupoltomy or pulpectomy. In this article the principles of root canal treatment with emphasis on the conventional technique and instruments are discussed. Also some of the complications are explained.