Histopathological study on the effects of turnip root ethanolic extract on renal ischemia-reperfusion injury in rats
Subject Areas : Veterinary Clinical Pathologyداریوش Mohajeri 1 * , GH Mousavi 2 , پدرام Mohammadi 3
1 - Department of Patobiology, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Tabriz Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tabriz, Iran
2 - Graduate of Veterinary Medicine, Tabriz Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tabriz, Iran
3 - Department of Clinical Sciences, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Tabriz Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tabriz, Iran
Keywords: Rat, kidney, Ischemia-reperfusion, Turnip root ethanolic extract (TREE),
Abstract :
Renal ischemia/reperfusion (I/R) injury is a major cause of acute renal failure (ARF), which is faced in many clinical situations. This study was designed to investigate the effect of pre-treatment with Turnip root ethanolic extract (TREE) on kidney histopathology and function markers in renal ischemia/reperfusion (IR) induced injury in the rats. A total of 80 male Wistar rats were randomly divided into 4 groups: sham, IR model and two I/R+ TREE (1% and 2%)-treated groups (n = 20 per group). I/R groups’ kidneys were subjected to 60 min of global ischemia at 37 °C followed by 30 min of reperfusion. After 24h of reperfusion period, the rats were sacrificed. Kidney function tests and histopathological examination were also performed. Results were compared with a group of rats with sham operation. High serum creatinine, blood urea nitrogen and uric acid were observed in I/R rats compared to the sham rats. Pre-treatment of TREE extracts for 30 days prior to IR operation improved renal function, reduced IR induced renal inflammatory and oxidative injury. The results of this study showed that TREE significantly prevented renal I/R-induced functional and histological injuries.
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