The goals of the Journal of Urban Research and Planning published by the Islamic Azad University of Marvdasht Branch is:
Publishing articles that lead to sustainable development in cities and urban areas, urban management and urban development. For this purpose, the research and urban planning field, because of being specialized only in issues related to the city, urban development and urban planning, includes the following articles:
- Evaluation of comprehensive, detailed, conductive and revised plans and urban collections
- Study and evaluation of improvement and renovation plans - Evaluation of preparation plans
- Evaluation of city development and development plans - Urban economy studies
- Evaluation of Urban Land Use Studies and Urban Classification - Urban Traffic Studies
- Distribution and Distribution of Utilities - Urban Tourism
- Evaluation of parks and urban green spaces - Urban crisis management
- The emergence of citizens and the expansion of the culture of urbanization - The demographic characteristics of cities
- Developing perspectives on urban management and planning - Sustainable urban development
- Citizen participation and citizenship culture - Urban ecology