Prioritization of Factors Affecting the Social Resilience of The 3rd Municipal District of Shiraz City Against Earthquakes
Subject Areas :Parisa Moshksar 1 * , Mohammad Hassan Azadi 2
1 - Assistant Prof., Department of Urbanism, Apadana Institute of Higher Education, Shiraz, Iran.
2 - Guest Lecturer., Department of Urbanism, Apadana Institute of Higher Education, Shiraz, Iran.
Keywords: Earthquake, Crisis, social resilience, Municipal District of Shiraz City,
Abstract :
Measuring and evaluating resilience against earthquake is one of the maintheoretical and practical concepts in crisis management. During the last few decades, rapid peace of urbanization and development of poor urban area(particularly in developing countries) have led to increased vulnerability of them against crisis oriented from human and natural factors. Thus, nowadays, a special emphasis is put on resilience rather than vulnerability. The aim of this study is to extract the most effective components and prioritize them in resilience with a social approach to earthquake response was done in the prevention phase in the 3rd municipal district of Shiraz city. In this study, a sample size was estimated to be 383 heads of households of this district.The data collection tool was a researcher-made questionnaire that includedquestions about socioeconomic characteristics of households and questionsassessing dimensions and components of resilience. Data were analysedusing multiple linear regression, t- test, ANOVA and Pearson correlationcoefficient. The results of the evaluation in the quantitative section of theresearch shows that in the social resilience, respectively, the highest average(3.99) was related to the components of social capital .Overall,the social resilience dimension has been reported at a desirable level. The results of the multiple linear regression model showed that Marital status, amount of monthly income, amount of income spent on necessities, quality and life of the building and number of earthquake experiences have a significant relationship with social resilience. As the results show, for each unit of increase in the variable number of earthquake experiences, the rate of social resilience increases by 0.18
Extended Abstract
Measuring and evaluating resilience against earthquake is one of the main theoretical and practical concepts in crisis management. During the last few decades, rapid peace of urbanization and development of poor urban area (particularly in developing countries) have led to increased vulnerability of them against crisis oriented from human and natural factors.
Thus, in recent years, a special emphasis is put on resilience rather than vulnerability. The aim of this study is to extract the most effective components at the level of households in the 3rd municipal district of Shiraz city.and prioritize them. In this study, a sample size was estimated to be 383 heads of households.
The data collection tool was a researcher-made questionnaire that included questions about socioeconomic characteristics of households and questions assessing dimensions and components of resilience. Data were analysed using multiple linear regression, t- test, ANOVA and Pearson correlation coefficient.
Results and discussion
To measure the level of social resilience of sample households in facing and coping with earthquakes, according to the normal distribution of data, the Wilcoxon signed one-sample parametric test was used, considering the desired numerical limit of 3 and comparing it with the theoretical mean of each component. The questions in each component were summed and divided by the number of questions in that component. The theoretical mean of each component was obtained as a number between 1 and 5, which was compared with the desired limit of 3 using the signed parametric test. As is clear from the table below, in this study, the theoretical mean score of the social capital component (3.99), the attitude component (3.94), the awareness and knowledge component (3.78), and the skill component (3.76) are higher than the desired limit of 3, respectively, and this indicates the priority of social capital over other components. Given that the significance level of the one-sample test is less than 0.05, it can be concluded that the sample households are in a favorable situation in terms of the components of awareness and knowledge, skills, attitudes, and social capital. In total, the theoretical average score of social resilience for the study of District 3 of Shiraz Municipality was 3.90, which is higher than the desired level of 3 at a significance level of less than 0.05. In other words, this finding indicates that the social resilience situation from the perspective of household head respondents in this study is in a favorable situation.
The results of the evaluation in the quantitative section of the research shows that in the social resilience, respectively, the highest average was related to the components of social capital .the examination of the effect of underlying factors on the total amount of resilience, the results of the multiple linear regression model showed that with increased staying time in the area of residence and number of people working to provide the family, the level of the resilience of households increases. Marital status, amount of monthly income, amount of income spent on necessities, quality and life of the building have a significant relationship with social resilience.
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