Investigation of key drivers affecting the regeneration of dysfunctional urban tissues Case study: Worn texture of Urmia
Subject Areas :
leila rezvani
hasan ahmadzadeh
hasan houshyar
1 - phd student of Geography and urban planning, Tabriz Branch, Islamic azad university, Tabriz, Iran
2 - Assistant Professor of Department of Geography and urban planning, Tabriz branch, Islamic azad university, Tabriz,Iran,
3 - Assistant Professor of Department of Geography and Urban planning,PNU University,Tehran,Iran
Keywords: Urmia, Future Research, Reconstruction, worn texture,
Abstract :
Abstract Introduction: Urban inefficiencies in comparison with other areas of the city have lagged behind the development process and have been separated from the evolutionary cycle of life and have become the focus of problems and inadequacies. These tissues hold a high percentage of the urban population and at the same time have many latent capacities and capabilities for future urban development. Therefore, in the present study, an attempt has been made to systematically investigate the key drivers affecting the reconstruction of inefficient Uremia city.
Methodology: The present study is applied in terms of purpose and descriptive-analytical in nature. Both library and field methods have been used to collect information. The study area of Uremia and the statistical population of the study include 30 experts who have been selected as snowballs. Environmental and Delphi scanning methods and Micmac software have been used for data analysis.
Results: Based on the findings of Micmac software, among the 46 primary factors affecting the regeneration of dysfunctional tissues in Uremia, 15 factors, including; Employment and unemployment of people living in Texture, the amount of private investment, banking facilities and land and housing prices, attracting the participation of residents, adapting projects to the needs and lifestyle of residents, lack of good urban governance, lack of integrated and clear policy in the face of dysfunctional structures Urban, defects and inefficiencies of urban plans, inconsistency of policies and actions of devices, readability, improvement and provision of infrastructure services and facilities, access to public transport at the texture level, quality of buildings and provision of pedestrian and pedestrian access have been selected as key factors.
Discussion and Conclusion: According to the research results, socio-political dimension with 6 variables, physical-environmental dimension with 5 variables and finally economic dimension with 4 variables have the greatest impact on the regeneration of dysfunctional urban structures in Uremia, respectively.