Environmental performance of 22 metropolitan areas of Tehran based on the green city approach
Subject Areas :
Mehdi Jirrudi
Rahim Sarvar
Mehrdad Navabakhsh
1 - PhD in Geography and Urban Planning, Islamic Azad University, Science and Research Branch, Tehran, Iran
2 - Prof. in Geography and Urban Planning, Islamic Azad University, Science and Research Branch, Tehran, Iran
3 - Prof. in Sociology, Islamic Azad University, Science and Research Branch, Tehran, Iran
Received: 2021-07-14
Accepted : 2022-01-01
Published : 2022-11-22
Environmental Performance,
22 metropolitan areas of Tehran,
Green City approach,
entropy and topsis,
Abstract :
Urbanization, the second revolution in human history has led to the formation of cities that today, as the main causes of instability in the world have been profoundly affected by the development process and environmental challenges, with this having had many negative effects on the efficiency and performance of their development. The metropolis of Tehran, as the capital and largest city of the country, in recent decades has witnessed many changes, especially in the field of environment, and the pattern of urban development and its trend in this metropolis, more than the result of a cohesive management, has been mostly the result of the continuous increasing pressure of various factors that have shaped the current urban pattern. Therefore, in order to get out of the destructive consequences of traditional and different development patterns and approaches in Tehran, using environmentally friendly approaches such as the green city approach, has a very significant role in the process of development and achievement of sustainable urban development in this metropolis. The present research is theoretical- applied in type, descriptive-analytical in terms of study method and survey-library in terms of data collection method, which was done through administering a questionnaire. The statistical population includes 50 professors and urban planning specialists. The purpose of this study is to investigate the environmental performance of the 22 metropolitan areas of Tehran and ranking the mentioned areas based on the green city approach, its criteria and indicators, and finally to provide effective solutions to achieve sustainable urban development in these areas. Therefore, using entropy method, 32 quantitative indicators were weighed in the form of 6 criteria and then, using TOPSIS technique, the environmental performance of 22 regions was determined by ranking them. Accordingly, areas 22, 8 and 12 were the most favorable and areas 6, 17 and 10 had the most unfavorable environmental performance, respectively, based on the green city approach.
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