Assess and analysis the situation of urban vulnerability from the perspective of passive defense (case study: Zahedan city)
Subject Areas :
mahshid mohammadebrahimi
Amir oshnooei
1 - Instructor, Department of Architecture , Payame Noor University, tehran. Iran.
2 - Assistant Professor of Geography, Lorestan University, Khorramabad, Iran
Received: 2020-01-16
Accepted : 2020-08-06
Published : 2022-04-21
" Passive Defense",
" Zahedan city",
"Urban Vulnerability",
Abstract :
Nowadays, with urbanization of the battlefield, especially in large cities and metropolises, it is important to consider passive defense as a solution to reduce damage, increase and capability. The purpose of the present study is to evaluate and analyze the urban vulnerability status from the perspective of passive defense in Zahedan city with seven criteria including distance from fire stations, access to higher education, administrative, medical, industrial, military, and urban facilities. The research method is descriptive-analytical and its type is practical. Required information was collected by document and field method and weighted in Super Decision software, then mapped in GIS environment. The results of ANP model showed that among the criteria studied, the highest weighted value was the index of access to military centers weighing 0.193. Has it. Thereafter the indicators of access to health centers, access to administrative centers, urban facilities, access to higher education, industrial use and access to fire stations were calculated as 0.171, 0.152, and 0.139, respectively , 127 /. 117 /. And /. The next priorities are set. Most of the vulnerability in the north and northeast parts of the city is due to the establishment of suburban areas and the presence of worn-out textures and central areas of the city due to the high construction density and high population density. In this regard, the following suggestions were made: Preparation of passive defense codes for special applications including industrial use, revision of urban development plans with urban safety approach, considering the geographical location of Zahedan city in arid and interest area. In the wake of many sunny days, it is necessary to consider solar power generation facilities as much as possible to generate electricity.
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