Explain the concepts of public policy in metropolitan areas Case study Ahvaz
Subject Areas :
Mohammadreza Eskandari
navid saeidi rezvani
Abdolreza Navah
1 - Ahwaz Islamic azad university
2 - Department of Urban Planning, Faculty of Architecture and Urban planning, Qazvin Unit, Islamic Azad University, Qazvin, Iran
3 - Associate Professor, Department of Sociology, Shahid Chamran University, Ahvaz
Keywords: Ahvaz, Institutionalism, Executive, Public Policy Making,
Abstract :
In the current research, with the content framing of public policy based on urban governance, the cause and effect relationship of integrated urban management and institutionalism as a driving tool of public policy is explained. In the current research, with the content framing of public policy based on urban governance, the cause and effect relationship of integrated urban management and institutionalism as a driving tool for public policy is explained. In this regard, the operational content of the research of certain types of Ahvaz metropolis is focused on the many problems of the developed managerial and institutional levels of urban development management. The method of data collection is the library-document method for theoretical studies and thematic investigation. Information collection tools are used in the library methods of scanning and computer tables for the use of materials and documents in survey methods, news observation methods, questionnaires or interviews are used to collect the required data. The statistical population studied in this research: Ahvaz metropolis includes elites and managers of urban and urban planning. The classification sampling method is simple and Morgan's sample size determination table was used to determine the sample size. Based on this, the number of 50 sample people has been determined. Executive and social components have a far greater contribution compared to other variables in predicting the dependent variable, such that a unit change in executive, social and legal standard deviation causes the standard deviation of the dependent variable (public policy) to increase by 92 , 38 and 10 percent to change. The results show that the critical values show the significance of each of the parameters and if the CR value is greater than the absolute value of 1.96, then the model parameters are significant. Considering that all the significant numbers of all parameters of the model are greater than 1.96, and the significance level of all questions of the questionnaire is calculated to be less than 0.05, the validity of the measurement structures of the relevant variables can be confirmed at the significance level of 0.05.
Extended Abstract
Cities have turned from small and few places in the past, into large habitats and then megacities and giant cities. Some of them, like Tehran, are much larger and more populated than the micro states of this world. For this reason, the management of cities was considered as a fundamental issue from the beginning, but management methods without policies were not a tool that had the necessary efficiency; Therefore, during the last 20 years, along with the emergence of fundamental and fundamental changes in the area of big cities in various economic and social fields, we are witnessing the emergence of a new period of life; A period in which academics and policy makers play a critical role. But what is this period? What is the nature of these policies? How will cities change with the implementation of new urban policies? And finally, what should be done so that the implementation of such policies is successful and successful? The answer to the mentioned questions in order to have a firm and solid foundation, requires a hypothesis that, with a partial view of the chain of causes and effects, removes the curtain from the experimental thought of experts in social sciences and especially public policy, and paves the way for the search for answers. . Today, considering all the aspects regarding the new cities, their history, their fundamental changes and rapid transformations, and the fact that these main centers of religion, government, and experiences and culture are adorned with new technologies, maybe the time has come to stick to the methods New to post-urban, let's put forward a hypothesis to change the economic, social, political and cultural life in such areas. The sensitivity of this issue becomes more obvious when we consider what we are looking for in the turbulent context of globalization.
In the current research, with the content framing of public policy based on urban governance, the cause-and-effect relationship of integrated urban management and institutionalism as a driving tool of public policy is explained. In this regard, the operational content of the research of certain types of cities in Khuzestan province is focused on the many problems of the developed managerial and institutional levels of urban development management. In the current research, with the content framing of public policy based on urban governance, the cause and effect relationship of integrated urban management and institutionalism as a driving tool of public policy is explained. In this regard, the operational content of the research of certain types of Ahvaz metropolis is considered and focused on the many problems of the developed managerial and institutional levels of urban development management. This research is applied in terms of purpose and descriptive and survey in terms of nature. The method of data collection is the library-document method for theoretical studies and thematic investigation. Information collection tools are used in the library methods, computer tables and materials for the use of materials and documents in survey methods, news observation methods, questionnaires or interviews are used to collect the required data. The statistical population studied in this research: Ahvaz metropolis includes elites and managers of the urban area and urban planning. The classification sampling method is simple and Morgan's sample size table was used to determine the sample size. Based on this, the number of 50 sample people has been determined. The response spectrum is determined in the form of Likert in 4 degrees from very low (score 1) to very high (score 4).
Results and discussion
the average difference of the variables, we measured the degree of connection and the significance level of the independent and dependent variables, separately, and then measured the dependence of both variables on each other. For this purpose, due to the distance and relative nature of the variables, the one-variable T-test method was used to measure the standard difference, and the Pearson test was used for the relationship between the variables. Multiple regression analysis has been used to determine the effective variables of public policy in urban management, and to enter the variables into the regression, the model (Enter) has been used. The regression shows that about 98% of the public policy variance is explained by the 5 research variables.
- In the governance component, the average difference is lower.This means that this component is optimal.
- The significance level obtained shows that the obtained average is lower than the desired average and urban management is not in a favorable condition, and this can be considered as one of the main reasons for institutions and actors in urban management.
- In the questionnaire, between the components of urban management and public policy, the two variables of social and institutional presence, which according to the conceptual model of the basic principles of public policy, have a higher average difference and T value compared to other components.This shows the weakness of the urban management system in the process of decision-making and decision-making in urban management for public policy.The contribution of these two components is more noticeable.
Social variables, participation and transparency have had an unfavorable situation and have played a lesser role in the current urban management. This is despite the fact that according to the described conceptual model, the component of optimal urban governance in the public policy process is considered as a lever for development, because governance and synergy are prerequisites for urban management.
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