Determining the level of development of the eleven regions of Shiraz city in terms of urban and cultural service indicators
Subject Areas :Mohammad Jafar Namdar Ardekani 1 , ali shakoor 2 *
1 - Ph.D. Student in department of Geography and Urban Planning larestan branch, Islamic Azad University, larestan Iran.
2 - Professor department of Human Geography, Marvdasht branch, islamic azad university, marvdasht, Iran.
Keywords: development, Shiraz, sustainable urban development, Solidarity,
Abstract :
The expansion of urbanization and the specific issues and problems of urban life, has made it increasingly necessary to pay full attention to beneficial strategies to optimize the lives of city dwellers. In this regard, the concept of sustainable urban development as a broad conceptual framework moves towards achieving economic growth and social justice. The study and knowledge of urban areas and analysis of their capabilities and bottlenecks in the urban planning process is very important. The main purpose of this study is to assess the development of eleven areas of Shiraz in terms of sustainable urban development criteria "urban and cultural services" in 24 indicators. This research is applied theory in terms of purpose and descriptive-quantitative and analytical in terms of nature and method. The information and data required in this research have been collected using library resources and statistics in 1397. For analysis, first the data is standardized and finally it is ranked using the Morris and Scalo gram methods of the eleven districts of Shiraz. The results of the study based on the Morris method showed that in terms of urban and cultural services index of regions one and eight with scores of 47.47 and 42.13 in the first and second ranks and regions five, four and eleven with scores of 22.55 and 15.93. And 12.52 are in the last place. Also, according to the Scalo gram method, regions one and eight are in the first place with 55 and 49 points. The results of this study indicate the existence of a gap between the eleven regions of Shiraz in terms of benefiting from the studied indicators, and among these, region one is ranked first in terms of development due to the political and economic centrality due to the existence of urban facilities.
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22-Sarafi, M., Tvakolinia, J. & Chamani Moghadam, M. (2018). The place of planning in the Iranian urban planning process, Journal of Urban Studies,Vol 3,No .12,Pp 19-32.
23-Shekoohi, H. (2002). New Thoughts in Geographical Philosophy, Volume II. Environmental Philosophies and Geographical Schools. Tehran: Institute of Geography, Cartography and Geology.
24- Deputy of Planning and Human Capital Development of Shiraz Municipality (2019). Statistic of Shiraz Municipality. First Edition.
25- Country Program and Budget Organization Fars Province Management and Planning Organization (2019). Statistic Center of Province.
26- Taghvaei, M. & Salehi, M. (2014). Assessing the development levels of the cities of Hamadan province with emphasis on the regional analysis approach. Quarterly Journal of Regional Planning, No. 11, Pp, 19-30
27- Tsou, K.W., Hung, Y.T., & Chang, Y.L. (2005). An accessibility-based integrated measure of relative spatial equity in urban public facilities, Cities, Elsevier Publishing (6) 22, Pp: 424– 435.
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1- Ahmadi, A., & Jahangard, A. (2020). Ranking of neighborhoods in Tehran in terms of level of enjoyment and quality of life using fuzzy TOPSIS.Journal of Urban Economics, University of Isfahan, Vol 5 , No 1,Pp 127-148.
2- Alavi, S., Nazmfar,H., & Eshgi, A. (2020). The Evaluation and measurement of the City prosperity index (CPI) in Tehran metropolis. Spatial Planning Quarterly (Geography), Vol 10, No. 3, Ser (38), Pp 77-97.
3-Amirfakhrian, M., & Razavi, M.M. (2011). Analysis of non-spatial access to health services in Mashhad with emphasis on economic indicators. The first conference on urban economics in Iran, Mashhad, December 2 and 3, Pp 1-21.
4-Bhatia, VK and SC.Rai. (2004): Evaluation of socio-economic development in small areas, New Dehli .UNDP, Human Development Report, New York, 1991,
5-Beyk Mohammadi, H., Karimi Ghotbabadi, F. & Shekohi, Sh. (2017). Analysis of Cultural Development Indicators (Case Study: Cities of Fars Province). Journal of Planning Studies of Human Settlements (Geographical Perspective), Vol 12, No1, Pp 53-68.
6-Dadashpoor, H., & Rostami, F. (2011). Investigation and analysis of the distribution of urban public services from the perspective of spatial justice (Case study: Yasuj city). Geography and Regional Development Journal, Vol 16, Pp 171-198.
7-Danesh Nezafat, E.R., Moolaei Hashtjin, N. & Motamedi Mehr, A. (2016). Comparative comparison of development of Rasht urban areas using multi-criteria evaluation methods. Planning Studies for Human Settlements, Vol 11, No34, Pp 1-16.
8-Farhadi, N., & Ourak, N. (2015). An analysis of the enjoyment of cities in Khuzestan province using Morris and Scalogram model. Geographical Quarterly of the Land, Vol11, NO 43, Pp 73-84.
9-Jadidi Miandashti, M. (2013). Balanced distribution of financial resources by regional development leveling method. Quarterly Journal of Economic Research, Vol 11&12, Pp 17-41.
10-Jafarzadeh, J., Rostamzadeh, H. & Khoshbaten, E. (2016). Leveling the development of rural areas in Ardabil province based on numerical taxonomy. Quarterly Journal of Human Settlement Planning Studies, Vol 12, No3, Pp 699-710.
11-Jalalian, H., & Dadgar, H. (2013). Location of sanitary landfill of rural waste Case: Qaleh Darreh Si village of Mako city. Journal of Space Economics and Rural Development, winter 2013, Volume 2, No 4, Pp 97-114.
12-Liu, D. Li, F. Hu, XS. Wang, RS. Yang, WR. Li, D. & Zhao, D. (2009). “Measurement indicators and an evaluation approach for assessing urban sustainable development: A case study for China’s Jining City”, Landscape and Urban Planning 90, Pp: 134-142.
13-Maleki, S., Shojaeian, A., & Farahmand, Gh. (2017). Title of ranking urban areas in terms of physical-spatial development with sustainable urban development approach and integration of fuzzy operator GIS and FAHP (Case study: four regions of Uremia city). Journal of Geography and Urban-Regional Planning, Vol 7, No 25, Pp 57-74.
14-Maleki, A., S. Akbari, A. & Navaei Lavasani, M. (2014). Investigating the relationship between attitudes toward social justice and the educational environment (place of study and university). Culture Quarterly at Islamic University. Spring 2014, Volume 4, No 10, PP 69-94.
15-Nikpoor, E., Mlekshahi, Gh. & Rezghi Rami, F. (2015). Spatial study and analysis of social inequalities in urban areas with a dense city approach studied: Babol. Journal of Urban Research and Planning, Vol 4, No. 16, Pp 27-38.
16-Nazmfar, H., & Mohammadi, Ch. (2017). Assessing the quality of urban life (Case study: District 2 of Ardabil). Journal of Environmental Management, No.36, Pp 69-92.
17-Nastaran, M., & Mirzaei, E. (2015). Quantitative analysis of factors affecting health in order to achieve the goals of urban and regional planning Case study: Cities of Isfahan province. Journal of Environmental Management, Vol 8, No. 30, Pp 39-61.
18-Program and budget Organization.(1982). No. 81
19-Safarlouei, E. (2012). Analysis of social inequalities in urban areas of Urmia from the perspective of sustainable development. PhD Thesis in Geography and Urban Planning, Faculty of Humanities, Payame Noor University, Urmia.
20-Rahnema, M. R., Afshar, Z. & Razavi, M.M. (2012). Analysis of healthy city indicators in Baharestan neighborhood of Mashhad. Journal of Urban Planning and Management Conference, Number 3.
21-Salehi, M., Moosazadeh H., Khodadad, M., & Esmaeili, F. (2017). Leveling of metropolitan areas of Tehran in terms of sustainable development indicators using factor and cluster analysis. Journal of Sustainable City Architecture, Vol 5No.1, Pp 75-90.
22-Sarafi, M., Tvakolinia, J. & Chamani Moghadam, M. (2018). The place of planning in the Iranian urban planning process, Journal of Urban Studies,Vol 3,No .12,Pp 19-32.
23-Shekoohi, H. (2002). New Thoughts in Geographical Philosophy, Volume II. Environmental Philosophies and Geographical Schools. Tehran: Institute of Geography, Cartography and Geology.
24- Deputy of Planning and Human Capital Development of Shiraz Municipality (2019). Statistic of Shiraz Municipality. First Edition.
25- Country Program and Budget Organization Fars Province Management and Planning Organization (2019). Statistic Center of Province.
26- Taghvaei, M. & Salehi, M. (2014). Assessing the development levels of the cities of Hamadan province with emphasis on the regional analysis approach. Quarterly Journal of Regional Planning, No. 11, Pp, 19-30
27- Tsou, K.W., Hung, Y.T., & Chang, Y.L. (2005). An accessibility-based integrated measure of relative spatial equity in urban public facilities, Cities, Elsevier Publishing (6) 22, Pp: 424– 435.
28- Ziari, K. (2008). Principles and methods of regional planning, Institute of Printing and Publishing, University of Tehran, Fifth Edition.Tehran.