Strategic planning for the development of the tourism industry with an analytical approach to cross-cutting effects and objectives - actors(Case study: Yasuj city)
Subject Areas :mohamad mehdi hasanzadeh 1 * , bizhan dadras 2 , esmaeel ali akbari 3 , mohsen saghaii 4
1 - Phd Candidte in Geography and urban planning, Payam Noor university, Tehran, Iran.
2 - Associate professor in Geography and urban planning, Payam Noor university, Tehran, Iran.
3 - Professor, Department of Geography and Urban Planning, Payam Noor University, Tehran, Iran
4 - Associate professor in Geography and urban planning, Payam Noor university, Tehran, Iran.
Keywords: Strategic Planning, Tourism, Yasuj city, analytical approach to actors' goals,
Abstract :
The main purpose of this study is to formulate strategic planning for sustainable tourism development with a future research approach in Yasuj. The statistical population of the study is all managers, experts and specialists in the field of tourism and futures research; Sampling method and design will be purposeful sampling; And the statistical sample of the research will consist of 25 experts in the field related to tourism and nature tourism. Collecting data and information required in this study, a combination of different methods including Delphi method (panel of experts) and brainstorming (mental motivation) and analyzing the required data and information based on structural and futures research method (including MICMAC software) and Is a MACTOR.
The results of the study show that from 55 identified indicators to study and their role in the development of sustainable tourism industry in Yasuj, 15 indicators were extracted as the foundation and main and key basis for sustainable tourism development in Yasuj. Therefore, these hybrid propellants, which show their ability to affect the whole system, include the development of nature tourism with numerical weight (8.84), credits of tourism and cultural heritage (9.91), development of political and security stability in the drawer (5.66), neighbors. South Persian Gulf (2.65), Health Town (3.7), Branding (6.72), Emotional Experiences of Tourists (Happiness, Love and Surprise) (3.01), Eco Museum (6.54), Private Sector (4.90), construction of local markets (6.90), display and appearance of urban bodies (9.20), design of tourist routes (2.14), development of infrastructure and Internet-based technologies (6.54), transportation network Regional (6.37) and comprehensive tourism plan (8.14). Also, in order to investigate the effectiveness of actors and to investigate the relationship between their convergence and divergence, the ground for improvement and development of Yasuj tourism industry was identified as 13 actors at the provincial level, 4 actors at the macro level and 2 actors at the intermediate scale.
Extended Abstract
According to the United Nations, in 2015, more than 50% of the world's population lives in cities, and this trend will reach 60% by 2030.
With the industrialization of human societies, the new schools of urban science believed that cities should be planned and designed from the perspective of pure engineering and the primacy of the machine over man, based on the rapid movement of change and transformation. This approach in urban communities led to the disintegration of cultural-historical identity and the disappearance of human and natural elements of cities. As a result of these acts, severe environmental pollution spread to the cities and citizens suffered from a variety of mental, emotional and physical illnesses. From the early 1970s, sparks of thought arose among urban scientists, and the first theories were proposed to correct this trend. Based on this, it can be said that the era of comprehensive and detailed plans, which only sought to expand machine life without considering human and natural indicators, has ended, and urban planning experts are looking for ideas that use the identity and rich indicators of the past as a way to improve Quality of life, preservation of natural, human beauties of cities and along with it the development of urban economy of communities. Tourism industry can be considered the only way to achieve sustainable development of cities and regions with tourism potential.
Namely socio-economic and environmental. Unfortunately, in planning and designing urban plans, this clean industry does not guarantee the future of cities, and this can be seen in the appearance of cities, urban furniture, squares, sidewalks, bicycle paths, cultural uses, urban green space, parks, toilets, museums, beaches. , Observed rivers, press kiosks, traditional bazaars and bazaars, shrines and historical sites. Accordingly, the development of the tourism industry, which economists consider the third dynamic and growing economic phenomenon after the oil and automotive industry. It is considered as the basic need of the country.
Yasuj city in the southwest of Iran has the highest natural and human tourist attractions in this region of the country and with the globalization of urban tourism, we must adapt all development plans of this city based on sustainable tourism development.
Unfortunately, due to the lack of urban development strategy in Yasuj, we are witnessing the loss of natural attractions and cultural heritage in this city, which can lead to instability and non-viability of this city. Therefore, this study intends to protect the natural and human attractions and be able to lead the city's economy to sustainable development. Due to the digital revolution, the expansion of transportation and economic development in human societies has made the tourism industry one of the leading industries. Sustainable development in transformed human societies.
To be. The sustainable development of the tourism industry has created wealth, employment and prosperity in cities around the world and the Middle East. Iran tourism is ranked 5th in the world in terms of the number of registered world cultural heritage sites, natural attractions ranked 5th and the variety of handicrafts ranked 3rd in the world, and this increases the need for planning to develop the tourism industry in Iran.
Perhaps Kohgiluyeh and Boyer-Ahmad Provinces can be called the dream of a land of four seasons, every corner of which is a manifestation of the beautiful artist's creation. The city of Yasuj in southwestern Iran, as the capital of nature, has the highest attractions of natural and human tourism in this region of the country, and with the globalization of urban tourism, we must adapt all development plans of this city based on sustainable tourism development. The city has natural attractions and capacities such as caves, lagoons, springs, beautiful waterfalls, forests and mountains, has a very high potential and talent in attracting tourists. So that the improvement and development of the tourism industry in the "city of Yasuj" can have a tremendous impact on attracting tourists and this area in the Middle East to become one of the tourism centers to increase foreign exchange earnings for the country and the development of the province. Despite the existing capabilities and potentials of the tourism industry in the city of "Yasuj", the question arises with all the potential and capacity of tourism in the city of Yasuj "what factor or factors has caused this city with these various gifts in the tourism industry of economic growth, development and prosperity? Remain local and sustainable useless areas.
Perhaps Kohgiluyeh and Boyer-Ahmad Provinces can be called the dream of a land of four seasons, every corner of which is a manifestation of the beautiful artist's creation. The city of Yasuj in southwestern Iran, as the capital of nature, has the highest attractions of natural and human tourism in this region of the country, and with the globalization of urban tourism, we must adapt all development plans of this city based on sustainable tourism development. The city has natural attractions and capacities such as caves, lagoons, springs, beautiful waterfalls, forests and mountains, has a very high potential and talent in attracting tourists. So that the improvement and development of the tourism industry in the "city of Yasuj" can have a tremendous impact on attracting tourists and this area in the Middle East to become one of the tourism centers to increase foreign exchange earnings for the country and the development of the province. Despite the existing capabilities and potentials of the tourism industry in the city of "Yasuj", the question arises with all the potential and capacity of tourism in the city of Yasuj "what factor or factors has caused this city with these various gifts in the tourism industry of economic growth, development and prosperity? Remain local and sustainable useless areas.
The main purpose of this study is to formulate strategic planning for sustainable tourism development with a future research approach in Yasuj. The statistical population of the study is all managers, experts and specialists in the field of tourism and futures research; Sampling method and design will be purposeful sampling; And the statistical sample of the research will consist of 25 experts in the field related to tourism and nature tourism. Gathering the data and information required in this study, a combination of different methods including Delphi method (panel of experts) and brainstorming (mental motivation) and analyzing the required data and information based on structural and futures research methods (including MICMAC software and Is a MACTOR.
Results and discussion
The results of the study show that from 55 identified indicators to study and their role in the development of sustainable tourism industry in Yasuj, 15 indicators were extracted as the foundation and main and key basis for sustainable tourism development in Yasuj. These hybrid propellants, which show their ability to affect the whole system, include the development of nature tourism with numerical weight (8.84), tourism and cultural heritage credits (9.91), the development of political and security stability in the drawer (5.66), the southern neighbors. Persian Gulf (2.65), Health Town (3.7), Branding (6.72), Emotional Experiences of Tourists (Happiness, Love and Surprise) (3.01), Eco Museum (6.54), Private Sector ( 4.90), construction of local markets (6.90), display and appearance of urban bodies (9.20), design of tourist routes (2.14), development of infrastructure and Internet-based technologies (6.54), regional transportation network (6/37) and the comprehensive tourism plan (8/14)
Based on the schematic structure of Yasuj Sustainable Development Model, the most functional and functional relationship with the mechanisms related to the process of sustainable tourism spatial development of Yasuj city between the private sector, budget and program organization, municipality and cultural heritage, tourism and handicrafts more than other sectors and institutions There is reciprocity. On the other hand, there is a structured relationship between nature tourism goals, the private sector and the southern neighbors of the Persian Gulf, and branding. In this regard, the convergence of goals shows that the city of Yasuj has a high potential and capacity in the field of tourism, and on the other hand, the Persian Gulf countries lack such potential and capacity that can be a source of attraction and linkage for tourists to the Persian Gulf; And this is achieved through the obranding of the nature sector and the use of the capacity of the private sect.
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