Evaluation of Urban Tourism Marketing Development (Case Study: Sanandaj City)
Subject Areas :Hamid Eskandari 1 , Bakhtyar ezatpanah 2 * , Karim Hosainzadeh Dalir 3
1 - Department of Geography and urban planning, Marand Branch, Islamic azad university, Islamic Azad university, Marand, Iran
2 - Assistant Professor of Department of Geography and urban planning, Marand branch, Islamic azad university, Marand,Iran
3 - Professor of Department of Geography and urban planning, Marand branch, Islamic azad university, Marand, Iran
Keywords: Tourism, Sanandaj City, Media, Marketing, Advertising,
Abstract :
The overall purpose of this study is to evaluate urban tourism marketing, which in two categories, evaluates the types of efficient advertising media and provides solutions for the development of tourism in Sanandaj. The research method in this research is a combination of descriptive methods. - It is analytical and profound. The method of data collection is survey-library. The statistical population used in this study consists of incoming tourists from seven tourist areas to Sanandaj and experts from different tourism sectors. Using the Cochran's formula, the sample size was selected from the total tourist attractions of several regions as a research sample and their questionnaires were randomly distributed and collected among them. In order to obtain the validity and validity of the data, the method of reviewing and reviewing the participants' opinions was used and to analyze the data, spss and excel software was used. The results obtained from Friedman's hypothesis and the similarity model show the ideal fuzzy option. All of the indicators related to encouraging tourists to travel have been significant: film and television programming (average 3.95), CD, brochure and photo (average 2), Internet information (average 2.95), newspaper publishing And promotions of journals (averaged 2.93), textbooks (averaged 1.5), seminars and conferences (averaged 1) B. Respondents to travel to Sanandaj have been influential.
Keyu Words: : Marketing, Media, Advertising, Urban Tourism, Sanandaj.
Extend Abstract:
Cities have always been the center of power and decision-making for centuries and centuries, so there are many historical and cultural events and attractions that are in the focus of tourists today.
Urban tourism is a complex combination of different activities that combine environmental characteristics and the city's ability to attract visitors and provide services. Tourism is the third cleanest industry in the world in the third millennium. In Iran, the development of the tourism sector can be achieved by relying on many natural and human potentials. Because Iran, while having historical, cultural and natural attractions, can become one of the most important tourism hubs in the world by providing suitable economic and managerial bases. Therefore, this study studies the effective advertising tools in attracting tourists in Sanandaj. Tools that can be effective in attracting tourists (marketing). By recognizing these tools and providing the most effective ones, you can achieve great success in development.
The main purpose of this study is to measure the effective and influential factors on tourism marketing in Sanandaj. The present research is descriptive-analytical in terms of method and is practical in terms of purpose. Data collection method and information of case-by-field method of survey and library methods have been used. The method of data collection in this research is a survey that collects the opinions of tourists and experts, which is directly and through presentation. The questionnaire summarizes the information. To formulate the theoretical framework of the research, a review of previous research and an overview of the field of research using the library (documentary) method, which includes collecting descriptive and statistical information from books, articles, reports, dissertations, and statistical yearbooks, has been used. . The statistical population of this study consists of Nowruz tourists from 1396 from seven major tourist areas (Alborz, Sabalan, Ziarati, Zagros, heart of Iran, South, ancient) to Sanandaj city. According to the statistics of the Cultural Heritage Organization and Tourism that reaches 1 million passengers. In this research, multi-stage cluster sampling method has been used. To determine the reliability of the questionnaire and using SPSS software, Cronbach's alpha test was performed. According to the experimental rule, alpha should be at least 0.7 so that the scale can be considered as reliable. The amount of Cronbach's alpha with the obtained test (0.7211) is too high as the installer (0.7), which indicates the acceptable reliability of the questionnaire.
Results and discussion:
Since the purpose of this study is to develop urban tourism marketing and considering that tourism marketing occurs in urban environment, so the potential marketing capabilities in tourism development of Sanandaj city should be considered and evaluated. In this sense, travelers who have traveled to Sanandaj from different provinces or tourist areas, recognize the strengths of attracting tourists to this region and take steps to strengthen these points. On the other hand, for the provinces and regions that have the lowest number of passengers and the least satisfaction and knowledge about the tourist attractions of Sanandaj, try to overcome the weaknesses and it is suggested to increase the amount and variety of advertising. In addition to strengthening and using more of the areas that have the most capacity to attract tourists, this can be used to potentially use the potential of other areas to attract tourists and ultimately develop tourism in the province. The present study in the components of this study shows that finally, by observing the components, it is possible to cause efficient advertising management of Sanandaj city compared to other competitors and with advertising tools, a better picture of tourism marketing of Sanandaj city and Sanandaj city can be presented. Direct development and progress. If we believe in the important principle that advertising to attract tourists to the city is a kind of investment in the development of urban tourism, tourism management has a very sensitive role, which is a function of different advertising mechanisms.
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