Analyzing the spatial structure of the city with an emphasis on spatial connectivity and connectivity Metropolis of Tabriz
Subject Areas :zahra abdollahi torkamani 1 * , mohammadhasan yazdani 2 , Abolfazl Ghanbari 3
1 - Geography and Urban Planning, Faculty of Literature and Human Sciences, University of Mohaghegh Ardebil-Ardebil
2 - Geography and Urban Planning- Faculty of Literature & Humanities- University of Ardebil-Ardebil
3 - Academic Member/University of Tabriz
Keywords: spatial structure of the city, spatial complexity, spatial configuration, spatial integration, Tabriz Metropolis,
Abstract :
The spatial structure of cities depends on interactions and various factors, and these relations is a particular complexity and entanglement on a large urban scale. the main goal of this research Understanding the spatial structure of the metropolitan area of Tabriz by spatial layout or configuration. The research method is quantitative and descriptive-analytic. The study area is the Tabriz Metropolitan Research Center and the main axis analysis unit and 1st and 2nd grade arteries. The data used in the present study were collected by library and field method. The method of analyzing the data obtained using the space layout analysis technique and analysis of the principles of interconnection, connection and selection. Another aspect of the analysis is the consideration of the functional dimensions of space in the form of the dispersion of commercial and service users as well as the theory of natural motion. The results show that the association of the routes leading to the city center and especially the central bazaar of the city is 0.85, more than other parts of the city, and this integration in the center of Imam Khomeini and the axes it has led to more of it. In terms of the principle of connecting and choosing, the two axes of Imam Khomeini (RA) and 22 Bahman are 21 and 1.2 times higher.
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