Evaluation of the components derived from the right to the city (Case study: Piranshahr city)
Subject Areas :
Hossein yaghfoori
diman kashefi
1 - Associate Professorof Geography and Urban Planning, University of Sistan and Baluchestan
2 - university sistan & balochestan
Received: 2018-05-23
Accepted : 2018-11-08
Published : 2019-01-21
: right to city,
social inclusion,
Abstract :
this research has been conducted with the aim of evaluating the right to the city in Piranshahr city. The indicators used to assess this freedom of change and redevelopments of the city in the present research are social inclusion, spatial accessibility, governance and urban vitality. These components and sub-indicators were evaluated from the people's point of view by descriptive-analytic research method. To analyze the data, a single-sample t-test was used. In the following, by using the mean test , fifteen neighborhoods in Piranshahr city have been ranked in terms of realization of the right to the city. The results of the research indicate citizens' dissatisfaction with the two components of urban governance and spatial access, but in the indicators of social inclusion and urban vitality, the citizens were satisfied somewhat. In the final indicator, which is the combination of the four main components and their sub-indicators, given the low average value and the 95% confidence level, it can be stated that the right to the city in the city of Piranshahr is not satisfied with citizens. . The survey of the mean of right-to-city indices in each of the neighborhoods of Piranshahr shows that the 2nd, 3rd and 4th districts express the highest satisfaction with the right to the city and they had the lowest level of satisfaction in the neighborhoods of 14th, 15th and 7th.
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