Evaluating quality of life in neighborhoods in order to improve quality of life (case study: Ghale neighborhood, Bafgh)
Subject Areas :mahboobeh ghanei 1 , najma esmailpoor 2 * , mohamad hosein saraei 3
1 - دانشگاه آزد اسلامی واحد یزد
2 - دانشگاه یزد، دانشکده هنر و معماری، گروه شهرسازی
3 - دانشگاه یزد، گروه جغرافیا و برنامه ریزی شهری
Keywords: Quality of life, neighborhoods, Quality measurement, Ghale district, Bafgh city,
Abstract :
The city has a fundamental feature in making suitable lives for its citizens. Meanwhile the concept of quality of life (QOL) has been developed to solve citizen problems and improve their lives. Urban developments and Bafgh city growth has led to the structural disruption of neighborhood. Ghale neighborhood is one of Bafgh low-quality neighborhoods due to multiple factors such as: poor quality of passages, shortage of welfare services, lack of garbage collection and its aggregation in arid lands which increase the risk of gradual evacuation. This research evaluates the QOL after a review of QOL indicators in the district of Ghale to provide proper polices to amend the present condition. The research is descriptive-analytic in terms of methodology, SWOT and QSPM techniques and SPSS software have been used to classify and analyze the data. Determined by Cochrane’s formula, the sample size is 223. As the result of the research the average QOL with the score of 4.8 is below average (5), the physical component gained the lowest score of 3.8 and the social component has achieved the highest score of 6.66. So the physical component has the greatest impact on reducing the QOL. At the end, from the all of strategies in different dimensions, the local city view, the revision of the present city texture, the development of local meeting spaces and facilities, the redefinition and reconstruction of the hierarchy of internal passages, improvement of hygiene and health have gained highest scores as the top strategies to improve the QOL.
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