Feasibility study and prioritization of tourist attractions to attract tourists (Case study: Baghmalek city)
Subject Areas :
saeid amanpour
afsane alibakhshi
hadis kavousi ghafi
1 - Associate Professor of Geography and Urban Planning, Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz
2 - Phd student of geography and urban planning,Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz (corresponding author)
3 - Master of Geography and Urban Planning, Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz
Keywords: Tourism Development, Prioritization of Tourist Attractions, Prometheus Technique, Baghmalek County,
Abstract :
The development of rural tourism brings with it the expansion of job opportunities, the generation of surplus income, poverty alleviation in rural areas, and cultural and environmental benefits. However, there is always an effective planning gap in policies. Rural development is felt to provide or integrate tourism. Accordingly, the primary purpose of this study is to assess the feasibility and prioritization of tourist attractions to attract tourism in Baghmalek city. To evaluate the feasibility of tourist attractions, SWOT technique, and prioritize tourist attractions and determine the weights of indicators, a questionnaire was used in the Visual Promethee, SPSS, FAHP model. The statistical population required for the study included 130 tourists, 40 experts, and 150 residents of Baghmalek. The results showed that the feasibility study of tourism in Baghmalek city in the matrix of strategies and executive priorities determines the offensive strategy (SO) (strengths and opportunities). This means that Baghmalek city is in a good position in terms of tourism, which can reduce weaknesses and threats on the one hand by using the capabilities and, on the other hand, by taking advantage of leading opportunities. Took action to develop tourism. Also, based on the results obtained from the Prometheus technique, in the study area, Mal Agha tourist area in terms of natural, historical, and cultural attractions was the priority of tourists, and Imamzadeh Abdullah second priority. in the study area, Mal Agha tourist area in terms of natural, historical, and cultural attractions was the priority of tourists, and Imamzadeh Abdullah second priority.
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