Measuring and evaluating socio-ecological resilience indicators against urban runoff (case study: District 7 of Ahvaz city)
Subject Areas : Urban planning
maryam mahmoudi beram
رسول حیدری
1 - MSc Student of Geography and Urban Planning, Kashan University, Kashan, Iran
2 - Associate Professor of Geography & Urban Planning, Kashan University Kashan, Iran
Keywords: resilience, runoff, vulnerability, Ahwaz,
Abstract :
Supplying water and sewage and water services in general is one of the basic needs for human well-being. Municipal water services include water treatment and distribution, wastewater collection, treatment and return to natural waters; Also, directing surface water is one of the other urban water services that cannot be easily controlled and requires guidance from different professions, especially crisis management and water management. The above issues are among the main issues of urban water management in the world, but their importance varies depending on the climatic, political, environmental, economic and water resources conditions of the country and region. The city of Ahvaz suffered a lot from the flooding of the Karun river and the water flowing in the street after the rain in the winter season and the beginning of the spring season. becomes a city; In this regard, this applied research has evaluated the resilience of Ahvaz municipality region 7 against surface runoff with a descriptive-analytical method. The statistical population of this research is the residents of the region, and using Cochran's formula, 382 questionnaires were distributed among people. In order to analyze the results, the one-sample T-test was used in SPSS and the structural equation method was used in the AMOS software environment. The results of the statistical analysis of this research show that the resilience of region 7 of Ahvaz municipality is in an unfavorable state in terms of physical and infrastructure, institutional, environmental and economic indicators, and only the social resilience of the region is in a favorable state.
Extended Abstract
Resiliency these days has become an important concern for cities; it is very important to pay attention and deal with it, especially for the cities that are in trouble. Today, we are in a period of urbanization, where the ecology of the earth has been increasingly affected by human activities, and with the development of urbanization, cities have become the centers of attention, and the demand for natural resources and attention to environmental effects at the level global has increased; In the meantime, urban development and planning activities have caused pressure on nature and weakened resilience. Today, the subject of resilience has gained great importance in the world both from a scientific and theoretical point of view, and from a practical and practical point of view, and has provided a new insight into complex social, environmental and sustainable development systems. The concept of resilience is increasingly used as an organizing principle in the framework of scientific research, political discourses and entering into the programs and plans of cities with a focus on vulnerability and urban sustainability. Municipal water services include water purification and distribution, wastewater collection, treatment and return to natural waters; Also, directing surface water from other urban water services that cannot be easily controlled and requires control from different businesses, especially crisis management and water management. The above issues are among the main issues of urban water management in the world, but their importance varies depending on the climatic, political, environmental, and economic and water resources conditions of the country and region.
The current research is descriptive in terms of purpose and quantitative in terms of approach. The method of collecting information is survey-library. The statistical population of the research is all people living in Region 7 of Ahvaz a Municipality. In order to check and measure the validity of the content, first through the study of the theoretical foundations, the parameters related to the variables of the research were extracted and based on that, the questions of the questionnaire were formulated, and after checking the validity of the content and applying the opinions of the professors, the questionnaire was compiled randomly. Residents of the area were placed. The size of the research population is 146,218 people and the statistical sample was obtained through Cochran's formula, which is equal to 382 questionnaires. In line with the objectives of the research and hypothesis testing, it was analyzed using the structural equation method (SEM) and using SPSS and AMOS software. Cronbach's alpha coefficient was also used to check the reliability of the questionnaire; A value higher than 0.7 for all indicators and the entire research questionnaire indicates the acceptability of the questionnaire and its reliability.
Results and discussion
The results of the statistical analysis of this research show that the resilience of region 7 of Ahvaz municipality is in an unfavorable state in terms of physical and infrastructure, institutional, environmental and economic indicators, and only the social resilience of the region is in a favorable state. The findings of this research and the investigation of the effective factors in resilience against the urban runoff of Ahvaz show that the studied area is in an unfavorable condition in terms of physical, infrastructure, institutional and management, environmental and economic indicators. But social index items such as social participation, social solidarity and adherence to laws are higher than the assumed average and are in a favorable situation. The relationship between the aforementioned indicators with the spatial perspective in structural equation modeling indicates that the economic, physical, institutional, infrastructural, environmental, and finally social indicators have the greatest impact on the vulnerability and resilience of the region. Against urban runoff. In the analysis of the results of the t-test, taking into account the probability of error of 5% and according to the five-point scale of Likert, the level of satisfaction of the residents is 1 very high, 2 high 3 medium, 4 low and 5 very low. A significance level of less than 0.05 for all investigated indicators indicates the significance of the test. According to the average number and the T statistic, the status of the physical, infrastructure, institutional, and economic indicators is considered unfavorable, and since the items of the environmental index are designed as negative propositions, this index is also in an unfavorable situation and only the social index is in a favorable condition.
In summarizing the results of this research, it can be said that the issue of resilience against natural disasters, such as surface runoff and floods, has complex aspects and factors. In the meantime, increasing people's awareness against natural crises and necessary training in various fields in order to maintain peace and make the right decision when facing natural crises are among the basic conditions. The relationship between the aforementioned indicators with the spatial perspective in structural equation modeling indicates that the economic, physical, institutional, infrastructural, environmental, and finally social indicators have the greatest impact on the vulnerability and resilience of the region. Against urban runoff. Among the economic items, the amount of financial aid from governmental and non-governmental charitable organizations, in the physical index, the amount of access to public transportation, in the institutional index, the amount of trust in the government and officials at the time of crisis, in the infrastructure index, the amount of structure quality. and the place of people's housing in relation to natural events, in the environmental index, the amount of environmental pollution at the time of flooding and runoff, and in the social index, the degree of solidarity and cooperation of people at the time of water inflow and flooding has the greatest effect in the structural model. have the Two economic and institutional indicators are very important in the resilience of region 7 of Ahvaz city against natural hazards, which requires more support from the government and related organizations to face hazards in pre-crisis, during-crisis and post-crisis situations. The support of organizations related to crisis management, non-governmental organizations and the private sector reduces the vulnerability of the region against the occurrence of risks; On the other hand, this region needs the necessary training in times of crisis, especially in the field of preparation and providing first aid.
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