Content analysis of global plans to promote urban mental health and compare it with the strategies of Tehran Municipality
Subject Areas : Urban planning
Khatereh Moghani Rahimi
Mostafa Behzadfar
samaneh jalilisadrabad
1 - PhD Student of Urban planning and Design, Faculty of Arts and Architecture, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran
2 - Professor, Department of Urban Planning, School of Architecture and Environmental Design, Iran University of Science and Technology, Tehran, Iran.
3 - Associate Professor, Department of Urban Planning, School of Architecture and Environmental Design, Iran University of Science and Technology, Tehran, Iran
Keywords: "mental health", "Content analysis", "global projects", "Tehran Municipality",
Abstract :
Today, mental disorders are more common in cities than in rural areas, and this issue brings a lot of costs to the financial budgets of municipalities. For this reason, mental health promotion plans are essential for cities, especially Tehran, and policy makers should consider the preparation and implementation of these plans in line with their goals. This action will not be possible without taking into account global experiences and adopting the best solutions and actions. For this purpose, this research has been conducted with the aim of examining global plans related to mental health and comparing it with the solutions of Tehran city municipality in this field. The research method in this study is a review and to collect data from documentary and library studies and to analyze them, content analysis method was used. The findings of the research indicate that access to mental health support services, positive improvement of society and resilience following disasters such as natural disasters and drought, and promotion of support and social inclusion, creating opportunities to promote community pride, sense of belonging and participation are the most important solutions of global plans. This is the area where only the first case exists in Tehran's municipal plans. In addition, some of the actions of this body are for a specific group or class and do not cover all citizens. As a result, Tehran Municipality's measures are not comprehensive enough, and a comprehensive and comprehensive mental health plan needs to be carried out considering the conditions of this city and the identified solutions.
Extended Abstract
In recent decades, the rapid growth of cities has caused many problems (Haghayegh et al., 2023: 57). Also, the concern about mental disorders and its connection with urbanization is growing all over the world; But this issue is less known in developing countries such as China, Iran and India (Li & Rose, 2017: 20). Unfortunately, there are no universally accepted guidelines to help prevent mental health problems related to rapid urbanization in these countries (Okkels et al., 2018: 1). A mere 20% reduction in urban mental illness rates would save about $250 billion per year (D'Acci et al., 2020: 1). Of course, the costs of mental disorders go far beyond direct costs and include an increase in early school leaving, a low probability of obtaining suitable employment, a decrease in the quality of life for the individual, etc. (D'Acci et al., 2020: 3). Also, with the growth of urbanization and psychological pressures, non-psychological diseases also increase (Azar & Saidi, 2023: 38).
Considering its role as an essential component of public health, mental health is a very important issue (Lloyd et al., 2005, 697) and has profound effects on individuals, communities, and the economy (Lloyd et al., 2005, 704). and its promotion is necessary to increase the quality of life and resilience of society (World Health Organization, 2013, 1). According to the World Health Organization report, mental health disorders have become one of the biggest threats to human health in 2020 (Larcombe et al., 2019, 3). While according to the data of the World Health Organization, 4 out of 10 countries do not have a policy for mental health, and in one third of the 181 countries examined, no budget is allocated for mental health. The lack of mental health policies makes it difficult to systematically address the mental health needs of urban residents (Caracci, 2006: 43). In relation to this issue, research studies and specific guidelines should be encouraged to help policy makers and urban designers to improve mental health in cities; Strategies to prevent and reduce mental illness in urban settings should also be adopted globally. Globalization and rapid industrialization have led to an increase in the number of cities, and international health policies should consider these new challenges and adopt a broader perspective on this issue (Ventriglio, 2020: 1). Also, city policy makers should consider this Put the issue of mental health promotion plans in line with their goals and take steps to prepare, implement and monitor these plans. This action will not be possible without taking into account global experiences and adopting the best solutions and measures. For this purpose, this research has been conducted with the aim of examining a number of experiences of global projects in the field of mental health of cities and comparing it with the solutions of Tehran city municipality in this area. In fact, the purpose of this research is to answer the following questions:
What are the strategies for improving mental health proposed in global experiences?
What are the strategies for improving mental health of Tehran city municipality?
The research method in this research is a review and to collect data from documentary and library studies and to analyze them, content analysis method was used. In fact, this research has analyzed the collected qualitative data using an interpretive approach, and then, taking into account the repetition of each of the solutions or points presented in order to analyze more easily, the qualitative data has been converted into quantitative data.
Results and discussion
The findings of the research indicate that access to mental health support services, positive improvement of society and resilience following disasters such as natural disasters and drought, and promotion of support and social inclusion, creating opportunities to promote community pride, sense of belonging and participation were mentioned as the most important points. In previous experiences, they are with the percentage of repetition (7.14). While there is only the promotion of social support and inclusion in the actions of Tehran municipality, and considering the recent drought in the country, this issue becomes more important in cities where the majority of occupations are agriculture and animal husbandry. Following these factors, pursue initiatives that promote community literacy and information needs and educate and empower diverse community groups, support mental health and wellness initiatives in early childhood settings, schools, and the workplace through the Healthy Achievement Program and promote diversity. They are important in urban environments with repetition (5.36), which is only the first case in Tehran municipality programs. After these cases, creating a safe and secure living environment, improving the ability to deal with stress and coping skills, improving the self-confidence of residents, providing support for community development and collaborative projects, supporting cultural and artistic events and encouraging interaction with natural environments with a percentage Repetition (3/57) is important. none of which is present in the solutions of Tehran municipality.
The results of the research indicate that access to mental health support services, positive improvement of society and resilience following disasters such as natural disasters and drought, and promotion of support and social inclusion, creating opportunities to promote community pride, sense of belonging and participation are the most important solutions and policies of the plans. This field is universal. Following these factors, pursue initiatives that promote community literacy and information needs and educate and empower diverse community groups, support mental health and wellness initiatives in early childhood settings, schools, and the workplace through the Healthy Achievement Program and promote diversity. They are important in urban environments. After these cases, creating a safe and secure living environment, improving the ability to deal with stress and coping skills, improving the self-confidence of residents, providing support for community development and collaborative projects, supporting cultural and artistic events, and encouraging interaction with important natural environments. Are. While there is only promotion of social support and inclusion and following initiatives that promote literacy and information needs of society and training and empowering different groups of society in the actions of Tehran municipality. Also, the solutions of this organization are mostly for a specific group or stratum, such as firefighters and their families, or Tehran Municipality employees, their families, and retirees. As a result, it is necessary for Tehran Municipality to implement a comprehensive and comprehensive mental health program, taking into account the conditions of this city and global experiences, along with the measures it has taken in recent years. The first step in carrying out such a program is to evaluate the city of Tehran in terms of mental health.
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